
AR Customer Account Inquiry

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Customer Account Inquiry provides users with a detailed review of the Customer’s account. It includes the history of Sales Orders, Supplier Invoices, Customer Invoices, Customer Receipts/Payments or other specific transactions, or any other entries relating to the account.

In the Rootstock ERP system, there are two types of customer data – one is ERP Customer data, and another is Financial Customer data. When a user looks at the Customer Account Inquiry, the user will be looking at all the financial customers or just one particular financial customer for one particular company.


Click the Customer Account Inquiry button on the Sales Order Header or Customer Master page to bring up a new page with various accounting information, including Sales, Shipment, Invoice, and Contract details related to this Customer.

Header Section


Customer Number:  Unique identifier for this Customer.

Salesforce Account:  The Salesforce Account that is associated with this Rootstock Customer Master. When entering a new Rootstock Customer Master, this field will be blank.

Currency:  Currency associated with the Customer, initialized to SF default Currency. The field is auto-set based on the assigned Customer Class & can be overridden to another Currency defined in the RS Currency Master. Note that the Currency cannot be changed once Sales Orders are added.

Place Orders in the Customer Currency:  When checked, the system will use the Customer's currency - otherwise, the Home Currency will be used.

Unbilled Order Limit:  This is the Customer Unbilled Order Limit. This and the Credit Limit are compared with Current Unbilled Orders and/or Current A/R Balance to determine when a Customer should be placed on Credit Hold based on the SO Control Credit Check Method.

Current Unbilled Orders:  The Customer's amount of Current Unbilled Orders.

Credit Limit:  This is the Customer Credit Limit. Credit Limit and Unbilled Order Limit are compared with Current Unbilled Orders and/or Current A/R Balance to determine when a Customer should be placed on Credit Hold, based on the SO Control Credit Check Method.

Current A/R Balance:  The Current AR Balance for Customer. It's the sum of SO Invoice Lines, Debit Memos (in Financials), and Credit Memos (in Financials) for a given Customer Master and Company that have been posted but not yet matched with a Payment.

Sales Orders Tab

This tab displays the Sales Order Headers associated with this Customer account.

The user can use the below filters to filter the records:

Open Orders Only:  When checked, only unfulfilled Sales Order Lines will be displayed.

Invoiced Orders Only:  When checked, only Sales Order Lines that have been fulfilled and invoiced will be displayed.

Due From Date:  When populated, only Sales Order Lines with Due Dates on or after this date will be displayed.

Due Thru Date:  When populated, only Sales Order Lines with Due Dates on or before this date will be displayed.

Product Number:  When populated, only Sales Order Lines will be displayed that are for the Product Number entered.

Refresh Sales Orders:  This button will refresh and provide the latest data.

Sales Order Shippers Tab

This tab displays the Sales Order Shipper Lines associated with this Customer account.

The user can use the below filters to filter the records:

From Date:  When populated, only Shipper Lines with ship dates on or after this date will be displayed.

Thru Date:  When populated, only Shipper Lines with ship dates on or before this date will be displayed.

Product Number:  When populated, only Shipper Lines will be displayed that are for the Product Number entered.

Refresh Sales Order Shippers:  This button will refresh and provide the latest data.

Sales Invoices Tab

This tab displays the Sales Order Invoices associated with this Customer account.

The user can use the below filters to filter the records:

From Date:  When populated, only Sales Order Invoices with invoice dates on or after this date will be displayed.

Thru Date:  When populated, only Sales Order Invoices with invoice dates on or before this date will be displayed.

Refresh Invoices:  This button will refresh and provide the latest data.

Prepayments Tab

Display of current Prepayments associated with this Customer account.

Addresses Tab

Display of current Customer Addresses associated with this Customer account.

AR Invoices & Memos Tab

This tab displays the Receivable Transactions (associated with this Customer Account) having the 'Transaction Type' as 'Invoice', 'Debit Memo', 'Credit Memo', and 'Unapplied Cash'.

The user can use the below filters to filter the records:

From Txn Date: When populated, only Receivable Transactions with transaction dates on or after this date will be displayed.

Thru Txn Date: When populated, only Receivable Transactions with transaction dates on or before this date will be displayed.

Display Options: Displays the Receivable Transactions based on the time interval such as Current Open, Last 30 days, Last 60 days, and Last 90 days.

Refresh AR Invoices & Memos: This button will refresh and provide the latest data.

Cash Receipts Tab

This tab displays the Cash Receipts Details associated with this Customer account. It includes the Cash Receipts Details, which are reversed using CRATO Undo Posted Cash Receipt.

The user can use the below filters to filter the records:

From Receipt Date: When populated, only Payments received with transaction dates on or after this date will be displayed.

Thru Receipt Date: When populated, only Payments received with transaction dates on or before this date will be displayed.

Display Options: Displays the receipts based on the time interval, such as Current Open, Last 30 days, Last 60 days, and Last 90 days.

Refresh Cash Receipts: This button will refresh and provide the latest data.

On the displayed Cash Receipts Details record(s), when clicking the Payment Detail link, a pop-up will be appeared as:

Payment Detail pop-up

Unapplied Cash Transaction:  The Unapplied Cash Receivable Transaction created as part of this Cash Receipt Detail will be linked here.

Document Amount - Document Currency:  The transaction amount of unapplied cash transaction stated in the Document Currency.

note25 (1).png  NOTE  The fields 'Unapplied Cash Transaction', and 'Document Amount - Document Currency' will be displayed only when the Cash Receipt Detail has generated an unapplied cash transaction.

This pop-up will display the Invoices and Memos that have been applied against the cash receipt detail.

Aging Tab

On the left side of this tab, you will find different Open Balance fields, which are broken down to different day intervals (in 30 days buckets) such as 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, 91-120 days, and <121 days. This is the static view (amount figures) and does not change even though a user has created a new invoice.

Refresh Customer Aging: Whenever a company receives cash or creates a new customer invoice, the aging report does not update automatically. For example, if a user last updated the aging a month ago and what was in the 0-30 days bucket, it will still be in the same bucket of 0-30 days.

To update, a user must push the “Refresh Customer Aging” button whenever the company wants to see the latest report. The refresh can be done at the customer level individually or the whole company level.

Date of Last Aging Update: This field will show you the latest aging report run date.

Statement Form Template: Select the template (which is created to design a display format) to run the customer statement.

Create Statement: This button field will create a customer statement. 'Statement Form Template' must be selected first to run and create the statement.
note25 (1).png  NOTE  When printing the customer statements using the Ad-hoc statement templates, the system will always use the TODAY's date as Starting Date to calculate the Days Late.

Non-Cash Applications Tab

This tab displays the Receivable Application Transactions (with 'Record Source' as Non-Cash Transfers) associated with this Customer account.

The user can use the below filters to filter the records:

From Transaction Date:  When populated, only Receivable Application Transactions with transaction dates on or after this date will be displayed.

Through Transaction Date: When populated, only Receivable Application Transactions with transaction dates on or before this date will be displayed.

Refresh Non Cash Applications: This button will refresh and provide the latest data based on the above filter values.


Sales Order Header Creation and Management
Customer Master
Sales Order Shipper
SO Invoice and Credit Memos
Customer Addresses Tab
Sales Contracts Overview

AR Customer Account Inquiry

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