
Contract Periodic Billing Review

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When Recurring Charges are billed, those “periodic” billings will display in the list view. Click on ‘Contract Periodic Billing Name’ to view the Contract Periodic Billing Detail. Once Periodic Billings are generated, they need to be reviewed and dispositioned.

When Sales Contracts are billed via the Recurring Billing routine, Billing records (and Sales Invoices) generated for the Sales Contract are displayed in the Contract Periodic Billings section for viewing or editing the Billing record produced in the Billing run. The record displayed represents each time the Sales Contract was billed with the Bill Run Date, Billing Amount, Billing Status, and Sales Invoice (if generated). When viewing a record, all Recurring Charges included in the Bill run are displayed.

The record also allows for utilities to edit/maintain all the Charges within the Billing record as well as the capability to export details to CSV files.


Contract Periodic Billing Review


Sales Contract:  The Sales Contract billed

Recurring Charge Billing Frequency:  The periodic recurring charge billing frequency as defined on the Sales Contract

Billing Ending Date:  The date through which the given billing cycle covers

Billing Run As Of Date:  The "as-of" date (or effective date) that the given billing cycle covers

Sales Invoice:  If Invoiced, the Sales Invoice generated from the given billing

Internal Comment:  Comments not intended to be printed on any document generated for Customer

Service Customer:  The Service Customer defined on the given Sales Contract

Billing Starting Date:  The beginning date for which the given billing cycle covers

Periodic Billing Amount:  The total billing amount for the given billing cycle

important25.png  IMPORTANT  When Contract Periodic Billings are generated, all Contract Recurring Charges belonging to the Sales Contract will be applied, but the 'Periodic Billing Amount' field value on the Contract Periodic Billing will be calculated as mentioned below:
  • If the Contract Periodic Billings are generated for a period for which a Date Effective Pricing record exists, the 'Periodic Billing Amount' will be derived from the 'Periodic Price' specified in that Date Effective Pricing record.
  • If the Contract Periodic Billings are generated for a period for which no Date Effective Pricing record exists, the 'Periodic Billing Amount' will be derived from the 'Periodic Price' specified on the corresponding Contract Recurring Charge record.
example25.png  EXAMPLE  Consider the user creates a Sales Contract with two Contract Recurring Charges (A and B) with three Date Effective Pricing records for each of those Contract Recurring Charges as mentioned below.


Contract Recurring Charge A

Contract Recurring Charge B

Date Effective Pricing records

First Effective Date

Last Effective Date

Periodic Price (on Contract Recurring Charge record)





Periodic Price (on Date Effective Pricing record)





Periodic Price (on Date Effective Pricing record)





Periodic Price (on Date Effective Pricing record)





When the user generates Recurring Billing for this Sales Contract, the system applies both Contract Recurring Charges, but the 'Periodic Billing Amount' is adjusted/calculated as mentioned below.


Billing Run Date

Periodic Billing Amount




120 (20+100)

No Date Effective Pricing exists for the given period, so the system considers the price from the corresponding Contract Recurring Charge.



230 (30+200)

First Date Effective Pricing record is applicable for the given period, so the system considers the price from that Date Effective Pricing Record.



340 (40+300)

Second Date Effective Pricing record is applicable for the given period, so the system considers the price from that Date Effective Pricing Record.



120 (20+100)

No Date Effective Pricing exists for the given period, so the system considers the price from the corresponding Contract Recurring Charge.



450 (50+400)

Third Date Effective Pricing record is applicable for the given period, so the system considers the price from that Date Effective Pricing Record.

note25 (1).png  NOTE  The user needs to create a single Contract Recurring Charge per Contract, if only one charge needs to be applied at a given time.

Billing Status:  The billing status of this particular billing. Values are -

  • New

  • Cancelled

  • Hold

  • Rejected

  • Approval in Process

  • Approved

  • Invoiced

  • Rejected with Errors

note25 (1).png  NOTE  The status values of ‘Cancelled’ and ‘Rejected’ are not the same. If a re-billing is to be done, the current billing must be Rejected. When it comes to changing the status of a billing to Rejected, the system does not allow it if there has been a subsequent billing - unless that subsequent billing status is also ‘Rejected’.

Recurring Billing Tax Location:  The Tax Location associated with the Ship-To Customer Address.

Billing Run Batch Header:  The Billing Run Batch that the given billing is contained within

External Comment:  Comments intended to be printed on any document generated for the given billing record for Customer


Export Billing Details to CSV:  Click on this button to export to a CSV file if the user prefers to review billing details in this manner

Billing Details Grid Maintenance:  Click on this button to review and update Recurring Billing Details in a popup window.

In this popup, maintenance may be done on the following fields, then click on the Save button when done.

Billing Amount:  Amount to be invoiced

Days Billed:  Number of days that the Billing Amount is based upon

Revenue Account (aka Sales Account):  The Revenue Account to be debited for this billing
Additional Revenue Account “distributions” can be added by clicking the ‘Distribution’ button and adding rows to split revenue across multiple Revenue Accounts if desired.

Delete (undo) Contract Periodic Billing:  Click this button to delete the Contract Recurring Billing. The system does not allow a billing to be deleted if there has been a subsequent billing - unless that subsequent billing status is ‘Rejected’.


Contract Periodic Billing Recurring Charge

To view details of specific Periodic Billing Recurring Charges, click on ‘Contract Periodic Billing Recurring Charge’ to view Details of the specific Recurring Charges included in this billing record.

Contract Periodic Billing Audits

Auto-generated audit records of changes to key data related to the given billing detail are displayed under this section.

note25 (1).png  NOTE  Observe the “before” and “after” columns (or fields, when viewing the actual record)

Contact Periodic Billing Detail

All “billing products”, including Miscellaneous Charges, are displayed here.

Disposition of Periodic Billing Detail

Before any invoicing can occur, Periodic Billing records need to be approved.  In the process of reviewing said billings, other dispositions are possible.

Click on the ‘Edit’ button to “disposition” by updating the ‘Billing Status’ (which defaults to ‘New’ on newly generated billings).

User-added image  NOTE  Billing Statuses can also be updated in-mass using the Billing Run Batch Header function (see below for an explanation).


Billing Status:  Select the appropriate Billing Status to “disposition” the given billing. See below for logic associated with these various Statuses –

New:  This is the initial status of newly generated billings; “new” billings can be removed (deleted) from the given Billing Run Batch; “new” billings cannot be invoiced

Canceled:  “Cancelled” billings can be removed (deleted) from the given Billing Run Batch; “canceled” billings cannot be invoiced

 Hold:  Temporarily puts billing on hold; “hold” billings cannot be invoiced

Rejected:  Billing can only be rejected if prior period billings have been dispositioned; “rejected” billings can be removed (deleted) from the given Billing Run Batch; once rejected, Billing Status cannot be changed; “rejected” billings cannot be approved or invoiced

Approval in Process:  Interim status; “approval in process” billings cannot be invoiced

Approved:  Once approved, billing may be invoiced

Invoiced:  Set by system once billing is invoiced

Rejected with Errors:  “Rejected with errors” billings cannot be approved or invoiced 


Recurring Billing Overview
Generate Recurring Billing
Recurring Billing Batch Review
Sales Contract Creation/Maintenance

Contract Periodic Billing Review

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