
Customer Contacts Tab

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This holds the Customer Contacts for the given Customer. Customer Contacts are specified on the Customer Address records.  Contact information may also be overridden on a specific Sales Order.

Customers > Customer Contacts Tab

Selecting ‘New Customer Contact’ –


Customer Number:  Customer Number of the Customer associated with this Contact

Reference as Salesforce Contact:  When checked, a Salesforce Contact can be associated with the given Rootstock Customer Contact.

Salesforce Contact:  If 'Reference a Salesforce Contact' is checked, this is the Salesforce Contact associated with the given Rootstock Customer Contact record.

Contact Name:  The Customer Contact’s name.  Name format should be First Name + space + Last Name.

Telephone:  Telephone number for the given Customer Contact

Fax:  Facsimile (fax) number for the given Customer Contact

Email Address:  Email address for the given Customer Contact

Preferred Contact Method:  Preferred method of contact for the Contact Name defined for the given Customer. Options are
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Text to Email
  • Text to Phone

Email Template Sales Invoice Recipient:  Click here to indicate that this Customer Contact should receive an email for Sales Invoices.

Comments:  Free form alpha-numeric text, up to 255 characters.

Customer Contacts Tab

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