Dimension control is at the company level. See (Company Master - Dimensions Tab and Dim 1-8 Values Tabs) to set up dimensions for the company. All divisions within a company will used the same dimension setup.
There are system generated transactions that will carry dimension values to the transaction cost record (SYTXNCST). These system generated transaction dimensions can be overridden with the Dimension source override function. These system generated transactions include:
- Work Order (component issue, completion, scrap, etc.)
- Sales Order (sale and cost of sales transactions, etc.)
- Purchase Order (PO Receipt, RTV, scrap, sub-contract processing, etc.)
- Machine and Labor Bookings
- Miscellaneous Inventory Transactions (not associated with an ‘order’)
There may be specific instances when system generated transaction dimensions need to be overridden. This would be where the majority of the time the Company Master dimension is applicable yet some percent of the time an override to the Company Master dimension is needed. In such an instance, the Dimension Source Override allows for setting up a scenario where the dimension is derived from another source. An example might be that the dimension is typically sourced from the Organizational Department, derived as Dimension 2, but for a certain scenario, it should come from the Purchase Item Master. This would creating a Dimension 2 override to derived from the Purchase Item Master, rather than the Organizational Department.
Dimension Source Override
Company: This value defines the Company for this record. It is selected from the picklist of companies.
Dimension Number: This is the dimension to be overridden. The value can be from 1 through 8.
Transaction: This value defines the Transaction Type for the selected company and the Selected Dimension to be overridden. These are the transactions that can be overridden. Values are:
- Purchase Order
- Sales Order
- Work Order
- Labor/Machine Bookings
- Miscellaneous Inventory Transactions
Dimension: Select a value. This value defines the Dimension Source for the associated Company and Dimension Number. Selections are:
Additional information on dimension, see (Company Master).