The Miscellaneous Tab defines various default Inventory Management attributes
NavigationInventory Commodity Code > Misc Tab
Routing Item: Routings can be assigned for each Item. There is also a capability to have a default Routing rather than assigning Routings for each specific Item. If an Item has no Routing specifically for itself, this is the Routing that will be used for items associated with the given Commodity Code.
Backflush Policy: Defines whether an item can be backflushed and if so, at what stage of a Work Orders cycle. Backflushing is a process where an item is issued at the time of the completion of an operation or at the time of a WO Receipt. Values are ‘No Backflush’, ‘First Op’ and ‘Last Op’.
Inv Qty Decimals: Specifies the decimal precision in which inventory balances, demand quantities and supply order quantities can be expressed. The entry of 3 indicates that inventory balances, demand quantities and supply order quantities for the given item may be up to 3 decimals places.
ABC Reclassify: When checked, the given item is a candidate for ABC 'reclassification'
Allow Lot to be Entered at WO Receipt: When checked, the Lot Number of a lot-controlled Parent Item may be entered in the WO Receipt process. Note that the Lot Number can still be assigned on the WO if desired.
Unique Device Identifier Structure: Unique Device Identifier Structure
Organizational Department: Organizational Department associated with this Inventory Commodity Code
Allocation Policy: When checked, Allocation logic becomes active for any item associated with this Commodity Code. Note that for this feature to be used, 'Allocations Active' must be checked on the Division Master for the Division in which this the given item is used.
Shelf Life: Represents # of days before a Lot expires once put into stock. When a Lot Item is stocked, the Exp Date defaulted is figured by adding the Shelf Life to the stocking date. When adding Lot Items via PO or WO Recpt, the Exp Date can be defined by the user.
Assign Serial Number at SO Shipment: When checked, serial numbers are not assigned until shipment time. Items using this feature do have a Shipped Item Warranty created, just as a serial controlled item.
All WO Lots Must be Predefined: When checked, new WO parent Lot Numbers can't be assigned on the WO directly or during WO Receipt - they must be predefined by going to the Site Map menu > Inventory Management > Inventory by Lot Number and adding the Lot Number there prior to assignment.
Mobile Label Template: Dropdown select list to the template
Expiration Date is Required: When checked, requires an expiration date at the time of item receipt.
Print Individual Serials on WO Pick List: When checked, individual serials will print on the WO Pick List for Serial Items. Note that this may consume a lot of "real estate" (space) on the picklist, depending on how many of the given Serial Item resides in inventory.