The Requisition Workbench can perform several functions related to processing Inventory (only) Requisitions, including the conversion to a Purchase Order. The Requisition is deleted once the entire quantity required on a Requisition is converted to a Purchase Order.
NOTE The Workbench provides several input filters that can be used in any combination to control the Requisitions retrieved for processing.
The workbench provides a focal point for review and action on purchasing requisitions.
Inventory Requisition Workbench
Step 1 - Processing status ‘1-Planned’ Requisitions (those created by the MRP Process)
Using the ‘Req Status’ filter of ‘1-Planned’ will retrieve any ‘Planned’ Requisitions matching the specified additional filters.
Once the Requisition grid is populated, the user can ‘Select’ the Requisition set to be processed using the checkbox at the left edge of the detail row(s).
With the record(s) selected, the user can choose either the “Firm” or “Firm and Approve” buttons to update the selected Requisition set.
NOTE The update will process, and the page will refresh with any remaining Requisitions that match the previous input filters.
Assign Vendors - Prior to processing the selected Requisition set, the user may elect to use the ‘Assign Vendors’ button. This allows selecting a vendor and ‘assigning’ that vendor to the selected Requisitions.
This sets the ‘assigned’ vendor to the selected set of Requisitions, which allows for processing using the ‘Assigned Vendor’ filter at a later time.
The ‘Assigned Vendor’ value remains on the selected Requisitions unless cleared or replaced.
When converting to a Purchase Order, the system will use the Assigned Vendor if one has been set. If no assigned vendor is set, then the system will use the Primary Vendor, if available. Otherwise, the user will need to select the vendor.
Step 2 - Processing status ‘2-Firmed’ Requisitions (‘Firmed’ MRP Requisitions, or those manually created).
Using the ‘Req Status’ filter of ‘2-Firmed, Not Approved’ will retrieve any ‘Firmed’ Requisitions matching the specified filters.
Once the Requisition grid is populated, the user can ‘Select’ the Requisitions to be processed using the checkbox at the left edge of the detail row(s).
With the desired record(s) selected, the user can choose either the ‘UnFirm’ or ‘Approve’ buttons to update the selected Requisitions.
The update will process, and the page will refresh with any remaining Requisitions that match the previous input filters.
NOTE The ‘Assign Vendors’ button is also available here, as described earlier. If the ‘Assign Vendors’ feature is used, and vendors were not assigned to Requisitions earlier, the ‘assignment’ can be done here.
Step 3 - Processing status ‘3-Approved’ Requisitions.
Using the ‘Req Status’ filter of ‘3-Approved’ will retrieve any ‘Approved’ Requisitions matching the additional filters specified.
Once the Requisition grid is populated, the user can ‘Select’ the Requisitions to be processed using the checkbox at the left edge of the detail row(s).
With the record(s) selected, the user can choose either the ‘UnApprove’, ‘UnApprove and UnFirm’, or the ‘Convert to PO’ button to update the selected Requisitions.
The update will process and the page will refresh with any remaining Requisitions matching the previous input filters.
As described earlier, the ‘Assign Vendors’ button is also available here.
If vendors were not assigned to selected Requisitions earlier, that process can happen here.
When converting to a Purchase Order, the system will use the Assigned Vendor if one is assigned. If no assigned vendor is set, then the system will use the Primary Vendor, if one is set. Otherwise, the user will select the vendor to be used during the conversion process on the subsequent conversion page.
If desired, the ‘Assign Vendors’ button can also clear the Assigned Vendor.
NOTE If there is no Assigned Vendor or Primary Vendor, all selected Requisitions must be for the same item number. This is defined as Item Mode; otherwise, the conversion process is defined as Vendor Mode.
Consolidation (only available in Lightning Experience)
Lightning Experience > Requisitions App > Inventory Requisition WB Lightning tab
Consolidate: When checked, each Requisition is grouped by Vendor and creates separate PO for each group.
Consolidate Quantities: When checked, each Requisition is grouped by Vendor, Item, Site, Project, and Due Date. Creates a separate PO and consolidates quantity by lines for each group.
Split By Site: When checked, each Requisition is grouped by Vendor and Site. Creates a separate PO for each group.
Split By Project: When checked, each Requisition is grouped by Vendor and Project. Creates a separate PO for each group.
NOTE The flags 'Split By Site' and 'Split By Project' are mutually exclusive. Only one of them can be checked at a time. And these are enabled when the 'Consolidate' and/or 'Consolidate Quantities' are checked.
Consolidation Process
EXAMPLE Consider four Inventory Requisitions with the details as mentioned below:
S No
Inventory Requisition
Due Date
Main Site
Home Project
Main Site
Home Project
Alt Site
Home Project
Main Site
Non-Home Project
These four Inventory Requisitions will be consolidated and converted to Purchase Order as follows:
S No
Consolidate Quantities
Split By Site
Split By Project
Consolidation Logic
No consolidation. A Purchase Order Header with a PO Line will be created for each Requisition.
Four Purchase Orders will be generated, each accompanied by a PO Line corresponding to an Inventory Requisition.
The Inventory Requisitions having the same Vendor will be converted to PO Lines under a single Purchase Order Header.
One Purchase Order will be generated, comprising four PO Lines, with each line corresponding to an Inventory Requisition.
The Inventory Requisitions having the same Vendor and Site will be converted to PO Lines under a single Purchase Order Header.
Two Purchase Orders will be generated: The first PO will include three PO Lines for Req-1, Req-2, and Req-4. The second PO consists of one PO Line for Req-3.
The Inventory Requisitions having the same Vendor and Project will be converted to PO Lines under a single Purchase Order Header.
Two Purchase Orders will be generated: The first PO will include three PO Lines for Req-1, Req-2, and Req-3. The second PO consists of one PO Line for Req-4.
The Inventory Requisitions having the same Vendor, Item, Site, Project, and Due Date will be consolidated into a single PO Line with the sum of the quantity of all Requisitions.
Three Purchase Orders will be generated, each containing a single PO Line. The first PO's Line will consolidate Req-1 and Req-2, with a combined quantity of 5 (2+3). The second PO will be for Req-3, and the third PO will cover Req-4.
The Inventory Requisitions having the same Vendor, Item, Site, Project, and Due Date will be consolidated into a single PO Line with the sum of the quantity of all Requisitions. Additionally, Inventory Requisitions having the same Vendor and Site will be converted to PO Lines under a single Purchase Order Header.
Two Purchase Orders will be generated. The first PO will feature two PO Lines: one combining Req-1 and Req-2 with a combined quantity of 5 (2+3), and another for Req-4. The second PO will include a single PO Line for Req-3.
The Inventory Requisitions having the same Vendor, Item, Site, Project, and Due Date will be consolidated into a single PO Line with the sum of the quantity of all Requisitions. Additionally, Inventory Requisitions having the same Vendor and Project will be converted to PO Lines under a single Purchase Order Header.
Two Purchase Orders will be generated. The first PO will feature two PO Lines: one combining Req-1 and Req-2 with a combined quantity of 5 (2+3), and another for Req-3. The second PO will include a single PO Line for Req-4.
The Inventory Requisitions having the same Vendor, Item, Site, Project, and Due Date will be consolidated into a single PO Line with the sum of the quantity of all Requisitions. Additionally, Inventory Requisitions having the same Vendor will be converted to PO Lines under a single Purchase Order Header.
One Purchase Order will be generated, containing three PO Lines: one combining Req-1 and Req-2 with a combined quantity of 5 (2+3), the second for Req-3, and the third for Req-4.
The Inventory Requisitions having the same Vendor, Item, Site, Project, and Due Date will be consolidated into a single PO Line with the sum of the quantity of all Requisitions. Additionally, Inventory Requisitions having the same Vendor and Site will be converted to PO Lines under a single Purchase Order Header.
Two Purchase Orders will be generated. The first PO will feature two PO Lines: one combining Req-1 and Req-2 with a combined quantity of 5 (2+3), and another for Req-4. The second PO will include a single PO Line for Req-3.
The Inventory Requisitions having the same Vendor, Item, Site, Project, and Due Date will be consolidated into a single PO Line with the sum of the quantity of all Requisitions. Additionally, Inventory Requisitions having the same Vendor and Project will be converted to PO Lines under a single Purchase Order Header.
Two Purchase Orders will be generated. The first PO will feature two PO Lines: one combining Req-1 and Req-2 with a combined quantity of 5 (2+3), and another for Req-3. The second PO will include a single PO Line for Req-4.
Step 4 - Converting Requisitions to a Purchase Order or Purchase Orders Using the Requisition Workbench.
Once the ‘Convert to PO’ button has been pressed in the Requisition Workbench, the user is taken to the ‘Requisition to PO Conversion’ page.
If either the Assigned Vendor or Primary Vendor was designated on the Workbench page, that Vendor will be pre-selected on this page. Otherwise, the Vendor dropdown will be enabled and the user will be required to select a Vendor before converting the Requisition(s) to a Purchase Order.
If there are open purchase orders for the chosen vendor, the user can select one of those purchase orders and add the Requisitions to be converted to that purchase order.
NOTE A pull-down window (Add to Existing PO) under the Vendor field displays all available purchase orders.
If no existing purchase order is chosen, the system will create a new one when the conversion occurs.
To help the user select the correct open purchase order, additional information about those purchase orders is available by opening the ‘Purchase Order’ detail section under the header.
In addition to the data displayed here, the user may navigate directly to those purchase orders by clicking on the underlined Order Number field in this section.
If there are existing Item/Vendor records for the selected Requisitions, the Unit Price will default to the Item/Vendor value. The user can override this.
The Sched Dock Date is defaulted from the Requisition but can also be overridden by the user before the conversion process.
EXAMPLE Consider an Inventory Requisition with the '
Sched Dock Date' as 9/28/2023 and the '
Sched Vendor Ship Date' as 9/27/2023. If the user overrides the '
Sched Dock Date' to 9/30/2023 (9/30/2023 - 9/28/2023 = 2), the '
Sched Vendor Ship Date' will be updated as 9/29/2023 (i.e., 9/27/2023 + 2).
The Qty to Convert is defaulted to the Requisition quantity unless overridden by the user.
If the option to ‘Combine reqs for the same item to a single PO line’ is selected, changes made to any single Requisition for an item will update the same value for all other Requisitions for that item since only one value can be carried to the Purchase Order line.
If the option to 'Place each req on an individual PO' is selected, a new PO will be created for each Requisition selected. This option is unavailable if the 'Combine reqs to a single PO Line' checkbox is selected.
Once all lines are set as desired, the user will click the ‘Convert Requisition(s) to PO’ button, and the system will create the Purchase Order and give the user a message referencing the Purchase Order created.
If the box next to ‘Navigate to related PO after conversion’ has been checked, the user will be taken to the PO Entry page for the new Purchase Order in the same window. Otherwise, the user will be taken back to the Requisition Workbench page to continue processing the remaining Requisitions.
NOTE When the 'Navigate to related PO after conversion' is checked and to open the newly created Purchase Order in the new window, the custom setting 'ConvertReq_NavigateToNewTab' must be set to true.
NOTE With this option, a message is displayed telling the user the Purchase Order created.
To split a Requisition quantity between two or more vendors, choose the first vendor from the Requisition workbench using the ‘Assign Vendors’ button and then click the ‘Convert to PO’ button. The selected vendor will appear in the Vendor field.
Adjust the Requisition quantity to what you buy from that vendor and complete the conversion.
Go back to the workbench, use the ‘Assign Vendors’ button again, select the next vendor you wish to use, and go through the Convert to PO process.
Continue this process until you have converted the entire quantity from the original Requisition.
Purchase Requisition
Inventory Requisitions
Purchase Order Header Information
Vendor Master