OverviewNet Change is a system utility that optimizes the system processing time when running MRP or DRP Processing by only processing records that have had a change since the last MRP/DRP run.
- The Net Change MRP process is not the default method for MRP, and can only be activated by request to Rootstock Support. The following describes changes that will cause an item to be planned during a Net Change MRP.
- DRP Processing is run in 'Net Change Mode' as the default processing method. Alternatively, DRP can be run in Full Regeneration mode.
MRP ApplicationMRP runs in Net Change mode only when activated on the Rootstock System Configuration record, which can only be accessed by Rootstock Support. When active, Net Change will still only be available when using the ‘All Items’ MRP Plan Option. This does not mean it will plan all items, but only those subject to Net Change. Essentially, the idea is that MRP will only process items for which there have been changes (changes to Inventory levels/Requisitions etc) since the last MRP run and therefore require re-planning for the item. With the Net Change MRP option active, when such changes occur, the new Item / Commodity Code flags for Net Change get set to True. ICITEM_MRPCHANGE gets set for changes # 1 to 7 below, while ICCOMCOD_MRPCHANGE gets set for change # 8 below.
- Insert of a new Item Cost record, or updates of the Quantity On Hand or Quantity Consolidated, on an existing Item Cost record (ICITEMCST).
- Insert of a new Item Project record, or updates of the Quantity On Hand or Quantity Consolidated, on an existing Item Project record (ICITEMPROJ).
- Insert, Update, or Deletion of a Requirements (Supply or Demand) record (ICIXR).
- Changes to any of the following planning related fields on an Inventory Item Master record (ICITEM): Net Change Inv Item List
- Changes to any of the following fields on an Engineering Item Master record (PEITEM): Net Change Eng Item List
- Insert of a new, or changes to any of the following fields on a BOM Master record (PEBOM): Net Change BOM List
- Insert or Delete, or changes to any of the following fields on a BOM Override record (PEBOMOVR): Net Change BOM Override List
- Changes to any of the following iccomcod fields on an Inventory Commodity Code record (ICCOMCOD): Net Change Inv Comm Code List
Once the Net Change MRP option is activated, it is required to run at least once in Full Regen mode (per division). However, this will be automatic, because the activation will set all Items and Commodity Codes to true, which forces all Items to be planned the first time MRP is run after Net Change activation. Subsequent runs will then only plan ‘Net Change’ Items / Commodity Codes.
MRP - Overide of Net Change Mode within the UI
When Net Change MRP is active, the MRP UI will display a checkbox called ‘Run in Net Change mode’, which will default to TRUE. This can be unchecked to force the MRP to run in FULL Regen mode.
MRP - Override of Net Change Mode within Scheduled MRP
When MRP is run as a scheduled process, the override to Net Change can be done by setting the ‘mrp_OverrideNetChangeForScheduledMrp’ Custom Setting, (which has a default value of false), to true.
DRP Application
DRP runs in Net Change as the default processing method. Net Change mode will only process Items where there have been changes (changes to Inventory levels/Requisitions etc) since the last DRP run and therefore require re-planning for the item. When the Net Change DRP option is used, when changes occur to the Item or Item hiearachy, the new Item / Commodity Code flags for Net Change get set to True based on the following events:
- Insert of a new Item Cost record, or updates of the Quantity On Hand or Quantity Consolidated, on an existing Item Cost record (ICITEMCST).
- Insert of a new Item Project record, or updates of the Quantity On Hand or Quantity Consolidated, on an existing Item Project record (ICITEMPROJ).
- Insert, Update, or Deletion of a Requirements (Supply or Demand) record (ICIXR).
- Changes to any of the following planning related fields on an Inventory Item Master record (ICITEM): Net Change Inv Item List
- Changes to any of the following fields on an Engineering Item Master record (PEITEM): Net Change Eng Item List
- Changes to any of the following iccomcod fields on an Inventory Commodity Code record (ICCOMCOD): Net Change Inv Comm Code List
Once the Net Change DRP option is used, it is required to run at least once in Full Regen mode (per division). However, this will be automatic, because the activation will set all Items and Commodity Codes to true, which forces all Items to be planned the first time DRP is run. Subsequent runs will then only plan ‘Net Change’ Items / Commodity Codes.
MRP - Forecasting-MRP > MRP Launch
DRP - DRP Processing > DRP Processing
When Net Change MRP/DRP runs for a particular division, the first thing it does is to set the Net Change indicator to ‘True’ for all items for which the Commodity Code ‘Net Change’ is ‘True’. It then also resets the ‘Net Change’ indicator on those Commodity Codes to ‘False’, to start the process again.
When Net Change MRP/DRP processes an item, the Item Net Change flag gets set to ‘False’, but only when:
- MRP/DRP completes successfully (i.e. Without errors) for the item
- MRP is run for all projects (i.e. All Projects = TRUE)