Rootstock Manufacturing Users fall into two functional categories:
Full license users, such as those who need access to multiple functional areas (engineers, planners, buyers). These users require a full license.
Shop Floor Only or Expanded Shop Floor Only users must have a Shop Floor Only license, which gives them access to a restricted set of Rootstock Process pages, explained elsewhere as Shop Floor User / Expanded Shop Floor User.
Each Manufacturing User record, regardless of license type, must be associated with a Salesforce User license (Employee). Users with a Salesforce Platform license can perform all Rootstock functionality. However, suppose a specific user also needs access to the full Salesforce CRM functionality (objects noted below). In that case, their Rootstock Manufacturing User must be associated with a Salesforce user with a full CRM User License. Full Salesforce CRM licenses must be purchased directly from Salesforce, separately from Rootstock licenses.
Salesforce Objects available only to Full CRM Users:
Products/Price Books
Each individual using Rootstock as a ‘User’ needs to have an established Manufacturing User Record. This record defines basic information about the user and establishes Rootstock capabilities and guidelines the user must adhere to.
Manufacturing Users
Navigate to the ListView page, displaying all current Manufacturing Users on the system. From here, the user may Edit existing users or create a new Manufacturing User record by clicking ‘New Manufacturing Users’.
Header Section
Clock Number: User-defined clock number for this Manufacturing User.
Employee: The existing Salesforce Employee/User record associated with the new Rootstock Manufacturing User record being created.
IMPORTANT When creating the Manufacturing User for the Automated Process User, the 'Employee' field displays the user that satisfies all the conditions mentioned below:
The 'UserType' on the user should be 'AutomatedProcess'.
The 'Alias' should be 'autoproc' OR the 'Username' should start with 'autoproc@'.
The 'isActive' should be 'true'.
And the flag 'Full Access User' on the Licensing tab must be checked to provide the necessary permissions for processing the transactions.
Default Company: In a Multi-Company environment, this is the Company this user most frequently works in. It will be the default Company when the user logs in to Rootstock. For Single Company environments, this Company will display as the User Company.
Default Division: In a Multi-Division environment, this is the Division this user most frequently works in. It will be the default Division when the user logs in to Rootstock. For Single Division environments, this will display as the User Division.
Default Sales Division: In a Multi-Division environment, this is the Sales Division this user most frequently works in.
User’s Organizational Department: The Organizational Department this user is associated with. Defines capabilities in Sales and Purchasing areas.
User’s Vendor Number: If this user is directly associated with a Vendor, the Vendor Number is entered here. Must be a valid Vendor from the Vendor Master file.
Multi-Company: If set up for Multi-Company, this flag determines if the Manufacturing User can access more than their default company.
Multi-Division: If set up for Multi-Division, this flag determines if the Manufacturing User has access to more than the default division.
Limited Multi-Division: When checked, the system enables a new tab, 'User Division', upon saving. Once enabled, use 'User Division Maintenance' to maintain what Divisions the user should access.
Email: The Email for the Manufacturing User.
Telephone: The telephone number for the Manufacturing User.
User’s Prospective Vendor: This field applies to the Vendor RFQ functionality. It provides a linkage between the Manufacturing User and the assigned Prospective Vendor. This vendor value can then control access to system data such as Vendor RFQ Quote Lines.
Labor Ohd: When checked, any labor booked by this user will also calculate Labor Overhead by applying the overhead rate established on the pertinent Manufacturing Department to the calculated labor amount.
Fringe Ohd: When checked, any labor booked by this user will also calculate Fringe Overhead by applying the overhead rate established for the pertinent Manufacturing Department to the calculated labor amount.
Labor Grade: The employee's Labor Grade used in the cost roll-up calculation for operational costs (See Shop Floor > Manufacturing Labor Grade).
Hourly Rate: The Manufacturing User’s actual hourly rate used in calculating labor booked to a Work Order (hourly rate x hours charged).
Shift: This is the Manufacturing User’s assigned shift.
WO Labor Booking Allowed: When checked (default), the Manufacturing User can book Work Order labor.
WO Quantity Booking Allowed: When checked (Default), the Manufacturing User can perform a Work Order quantity booking, i.e., report completions at the operations level.
Labor Supervisor: When checked, this User can enter Labor time and Quantity Bookings for any Manufacturing User. When unchecked, this Manufacturing User can only make entries for themselves.
Tab Section
Requisition Submission Indicators Tab
Direct Mtl Req Submission Indicator: When checked, the user can submit Requisitions for Direct Material.
Mobile Tab
IMPORTANT This Mobile Tab becomes visible when the value of any of the fields 'Number of Full RootScan Users', 'Number of Labor Only RootScan Users', or 'Number of Mobile Access Users' (on System Configuration (SYCONFIG)) is greater than zero.
RootScan User (Full): When checked, it indicates that the user has all mobile transactions available.
NOTE This field 'RootScan User (Full)' is not visible if the value of the field 'Number of Full RootScan Users' on the System Configuration is 'zero'.
NOTE The RootScan User (Full) must be unchecked if the 'Shop Floor User' is set to true. The total of Manufacturing Users with 'RootScan User (Full)' checked must not exceed the count in the field 'Number of Full RootScan Users' in the System Configuration.
RootScan User (Labor Only): When checked, it indicates that the user has all mobile transactions available to Shop Floor users (only).
NOTE This field 'RootScan User (Labor Only)' is not visible if the value of the field 'Number of Labor Only RootScan Users' on the System Configuration is 'zero'.
NOTE The total of Manufacturing Users with 'RootScan User (Labor Only)' checked must not exceed the count on the field 'Number of Labor Only RootScan Users' in the System Configuration.
User Mobile Profile: Select the applicable profile. Options are:
Multi-Site (Mobile): When checked, indicates that the user can perform transactions in multiple Inventory Sites.
Current Site: This represents the Site where the User performs system transactions. It defaults the Site on many screens and must be changed using the Quick Menu to switch Sites (if the user is a Multi-Div User).
Print by Email Printer(Mobile): Select a valid email printer from the dropdown.
Other Indicators Tab
Responsible Engineering Indicator: When checked, this User can be selected as a Responsible Engineer on the Commodity Code Record or Engineering Item Master.
Responsible Inventory Planner Indicator: When checked, this User can be selected as a Responsible Planner on the Commodity Code Record or Inventory Item Master.
Responsible Buyer Indicator: When checked, this User can be selected as a Responsible Buyer on the Commodity Code Record or Purchasing Item Master.
User’s Authorization ID: A valid authorization ID from the Authorization Master. Determines the user’s ability to authorize indirect and service receipts.
Super Authorizer: If checked, this Manufacturing User can authorize Indirect and Service items across all Divisions under their default company and any other companies defined.
Authorized to Change Item Descriptions: When the System Default setting 'Control Item Description Access by User' is checked, setting this checkbox allows this user to modify Item descriptions.
Cannot Export Configuration Sessions: When checked, this Manufacturing User cannot export a Configuration Session to a Rootstock Quote or Sales Order.
Cannot See Qty OH in Configurator: When checked, the Qty OH values (quantity on-hand) within a Configuration Session are not displayed for this Manufacturing User.
Use Configuration Export Customer: When checked, when launching a Configuration Session externally (outside of the UI), use the Default Configurator Export Customer defined on the Sales Order Control Record for the Sales Division under which the Configuration Session is initiated.
CSV Delimiter: A valid output format for .csv files(European format - semi-colon or comma separated). Currently works with 'Work Center Dispatch List' & 'Contract Periodic Billing'. Options are:
Auto-Detect by Locale
Comma Delimited CSV
Semicolon Delimited CSV
Current Tab
Current Company: For Manufacturing Users who are designated Multi-Company users, this field defines the Company they are currently working in.
Current Division: For Manufacturing Users who are designated Multi-Division users, this field defines the Division they are currently working in. When working in a different Division is needed, this field is manually changed to the new Division.
Current Sales Division: For Manufacturing users who are designated Multi-Division users, this field defines the Sales Division they are currently working in.
Debug Mode: System User Debug Flag.
Price Log Level: Defines the type of logging that will be performed for how Pricing was derived. When set to 'Trace', a more detailed log is produced which includes the steps by which the price was derived. 'Debug' uses standard debug logging. Options are:
Order Payment tab
This tab contains several settings that control user access to Payment Gateway functionality.
User Has Limited Order Payment Access: When unchecked, the user has full access to Payment Gateway functionality. If checked, it is possible to control access by the user to the following capabilities by checking the related fields mentioned below:
User Can Process Payments in SO Entry: When checked, the user can process payments directly from SO Entry.
User Can Process Payments for Inv/Memos: When checked, the user can process payments for existing invoices or debit memos.
User Can Override the Default Gateway: When checked, the user can process with a Gateway other than the one selected by default.
User Can Cancel Authorizations: When checked, the user can cancel Authorizations.
User Can Perform Authorizations: When checked, the user can perform Authorizations.
User Can Perform Payments: When checked, the user can perform payments.
User Can Perform Payment Reversals: When checked, the user can perform payment reversals when there are no shippers for the orders.
User Can Reverse Pay Order with Shipper: When checked, the user can perform payment reversals regardless of the existence of shippers.
User Can Credit from Credit Memo: When checked, the user can create credits from a Credit Memo.
Licensing tab
Full Access User: This field is set by the system based on the rules surrounding what user type requires a Rootstock License. For instance, a Labor Only User does not consume a license, so this field will be unchecked.
NOTE The total of Manufacturing Users with 'Full Access User' checked and 'Automated Process User' unchecked must not exceed the count on the field 'Number of Full Access Users' in the System Configuration record.
TIP The following fields are mutually exclusive (only one can be true and all others must be false):
Full Access User
Limited SFS User
Limited Access User
Shop Floor User
Limited SFS User: When checked, this Manufacturing User will be assigned as Limited SFS User. This user’s access is restricted to the primarily 'API' object records:
CONTATO - Container Transactions
SOAPI - Sales Order Header/Lines
SYDATA - System Transactions
NOTE This field 'Limited SFS User' is not visible if the value of the field 'Number of Limited SFS Users' on the System Configuration is 'zero'.
NOTE The total of Manufacturing Users with 'Limited SFS User' checked cannot exceed the count on the field 'Number of Limited SFS Users' in the System Configuration record.
IMPORTANT If the 'Limited SFS User' is checked, then the Salesforce user associated with the Manufacturing user must have a Salesforce SFS License.
Shop Floor User: Shop Floor Only Users have access to only the following Rootstock processes, (and the reversals of those same processes): Labor Bookings, WO Component issues, WO Receipts, Clock On / Clock Off & Shop Floor Time Entry. Shop Floor Only Users only count against the Rootstock Labor-Charging-User-License.
NOTE The total of Manufacturing Users with 'Shop Floor User' checked cannot exceed the count on the field 'Number of Shop Floor Users' in the System Configuration record.
Limited Access User: This field designates the Manufacturing User as a Limited Access User. This user’s access is restricted to the functional areas defined on the Limited Access Functional Area field, which is controlled by the Limited Access Functional Areas field on the System Configuration record.
NOTE This field 'Limited Access User' is not visible if the value of the field 'Number of Limited Access Users' on the System Configuration is 'zero'.
NOTE The total of Manufacturing Users with 'Limited Access User' checked cannot exceed the count in the field 'Number of Limited Access Users' in the System Configuration record.
Obsolete User: When checked, the user will become inactive and is not counted against the Rootstock user license limit. Before making the user 'obsolete', the 'Replace User' function should be run to update the existing records with a 'Replacement User'.
Automated Process User: This field allows a single Manufacturing User to be the designated user for executing automated processes. This user does not count against the licensed total authorized users. This user is normally configured by Rootstock during initial deployment.
NOTE This flag is to query the Automated Process User easily.
NOTE Only one Manufacturing User can have 'Automated Process User' set to true. When 'Automated Process User' is set to true, then the 'Full Access User' must be set to true. The user specified on the 'Employee' must satisfy (1) The 'UserType' on the user should be 'AutomatedProcess' AND (2) The 'Alias' should be 'autoproc' OR the 'Username' should start with 'autoproc@' AND (3) The 'isActive' should be 'true'. Also, when creating this user, be sure the values for Current Company, Current Division, and Current Sales Division (if Centralized Sales is active) are not null. They should be the same values as Default Company, Default Division, and Default Sales Division (if Centralized Sales is active).
Mobile Access User: This field designates the Manufacturing User as a Mobile Access User. The Mobile Access User functionality may be applied to any Rootstock User type. It is a license add-on and not a specific user type.
NOTE This field 'Mobile Access User' is not visible if the value of the field 'Number of Mobile Access Users' on the System Configuration is 'zero'.
NOTE The total of Manufacturing Users with 'Mobile Access User' checked cannot exceed the count on the field 'Number of Mobile Access Users' in the System Configuration record.
Shop Floor User Start Option: When a Shop Floor Only User logs into Rootstock from the Rootstock UI, this field denotes the specific process page where the user will automatically begin at login. Navigation between functions is accomplished from the Quick Menu tab, rather than the Rootstock Site Map or the App Launcher. Valid options are Labor Booking, Work Order Issue, and Work Order Receipt.
Limited Access Functional Areas: This field designates the functional area(s) where this Limited Access User can operate. The values are:
NOTE This field 'Limited Access Functional Areas' is not visible if the value of the field 'Number of Limited Access Users' on the System Configuration is 'zero'.
NOTE Values must be selected for 'Limited Access Functional Areas' if 'Limited Access User' is true. All the selected values must be within the set of values selected on the 'Number of Limited Access Users' in the System Configuration. The number of values selected cannot exceed the 'Numb Categories Allowed Per Limited User' value on the System Configuration. If the Expanded Shop Floor category is selected on the System Configuration, the the ‘Expanded Shop Floor’ value will be the only available category.
Rootstock Support User: This field allows a single Manufacturing User to be the designated user for Rootstock Customer Support. This user does not count against the licensed total authorized users. This user is normally configured by Rootstock during initial deployment.
Replace User: Use this button to replace the current user with the new user on all Items, Products, Product Groups, Commodity Codes, Customers, Vendors, Machines, Work Centers, etc., where it is currently in use.
IMPORTANT There is no undo option once the Replace User process has been done.
Heroku Authorization: Use this button to authorize the current user with Heroku.
IMPORTANT This button/action is visible if and only if all the conditions below are satisfied:
The flag 'Heroku Applications Active' is checked on the System Configuration record.
The custom setting 'heroku_AllowHerokuOption' is set as true.
The user has not authorized Heroku previously.
The Manufacturing User record corresponds to the currently logged-in user.
Setting up a Rootstock Shop Floor User
Heroku Setup and Functions supported