
Product Master Product Components Tab

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Once a Product is saved in the system, Product Components can be saved within that Product entry. This is possible for all Product Types (Service, Stock, Miscellaneous, Kit and Configured), however there are some restrictions on the Component’s Item Type, which are specific to the Product Type.

Product Components for various Product Types

  • Stock = Can define Service or Miscellaneous Components that will “ship” when Stock Product ships

  • Configured = Can define Components to be used on Work Orders the given Product when not using the Engineering BOM for such

  • Kit = Define contents of Kit

  • Service = Can define additional Service or Miscellaneous Components that will “ship” when Stock Product ships

  • Miscellaneous = Can define Service or additional Miscellaneous Components that will “ship” when Stock Product ships

User-added image  NOTE  Only the Kit and Configured Product Types can have Product Components of the Item Type = Inventory Items. Service, Miscellaneous and Stock Products Types can have Service Items or Miscellaneous Items Components, but not Inventory Items.

Click on ‘New Product Component’ link where Product Components are defined

User-added image  NOTE  Once Product Component Items have been added to the Product Master, they can all be seen on the Product Components Tab.


Products > Product Components Tab


Sequence:  The Sequence number of this Product Component, automatically assigned, and incremented by 1 for each additional Product Component added

Inventory Item:  When checked, indicates that the given Product Component is an Inventory Item, enabling the ‘Inventory Item Number’ field

Inventory Item Number:  When the 'Inventory Item' checkbox is checked, a valid Inventory Item (for the Default Inventory Division specified under the Inventory tab) is required

Service Indicator:  When checked, indicates that the given Product Component is a Service Item, enabling the ‘Service Item’ field

Service Item:  When the ‘Service Indicator' checkbox is checked, a valid Service Item (defined under Sales Order Setup > Service Items) is required

Miscellaneous Item:  When checked, indicates that the given Product Component is a Miscellaneous Item, enabling the ‘Miscellaneous Item Number’ field

Miscellaneous Item Number:  When the ‘Miscellaneous Item' checkbox is checked, a user-defined Miscellaneous Item is required, along with its Unit of Measure (UOM) selected from dropdown and the item’s Description.

UOM (Required):  Unit of Measure for the given component.  Inventory Items and Service Items will have this field defaulted from their respective item records; Miscellaneous Items must have their UOM defined here.

Description (Required):  Description for the given component.  Inventory Items and Service Items will have this field defaulted from their respective item records; Miscellaneous Items must have their Description defined here.

Extended Description:  Optional user-defined Extended Description of this Product Component, up to 200 characters in length

Qty Per (Required):  The Quantity Per for the given Product Component when used with the Product that this record is a component of

Fixed Qty:  Indicates the given component Quantity Per is fixed and will not be extended by the quantity ordered on a RS Quote or SO Line

Price:  The Unit Price for the given component, used when the price method (of the Product that this is a component of) is set to sum Product Components

Cost:  User-defined unit cost for the given Product Component, applicable when the type if item is 'Service' or 'Miscellaneous'

Weight:  Optional weight of the given Product Component (reference only)

First Effective Date:  The date that the use of the given Product Component becomes “active” and considered as a requirement for use with the given Product, assuming that the ‘Date Effective Indicator’ is checked.

Last Effective Date:  The date that the use of the given Product Component becomes “inactive” and no longer considered as a requirement for use with the given Product, assuming that the ‘Date Effective Indicator’ is checked.

Date Effective Indicator:  When checked, denotes that the given component is affected by the 'First Effective Date' and 'Last Effective Date' defined.  If not checked, these "effective dates" have no effect.

Credit Account:  When the Product Component is a ‘Service Item’ or ‘Miscellaneous Item’, this is the Sub-Ledger Account that will be credited upon the shipment of the Product this is a component of.

Exclude from Automatic Purchase Order:  When checked, if the given Product Component is a component of a ‘Kit’ Product (only) that is set up for Direct Purchase, this component will not be directly purchased (will be excluded from the Direct Purchase function).


Product Master Order Qty Tab
Product Master Accounts Tab
Product Master Lead Time & Misc Tab
Product Master Inventory Tab
Product Master Order Processing Tab
Product Master Attributes Tab
Product Master Sales Account Distribution Tab
Product Master Inventory Division Tab
Product Master Inventory Items Tab
Product Master Price Tab
Product Master Price by Date Tab
Product Master RMA Tab
Product Master Direct Purchasing Tab
Product Master Email Templates Tab
Product Master Configuration Groups Tab
Product Master Entitlement Detail Tab

Product Master Product Components Tab

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