
Project Control Overview

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Project-based manufacturing is typically used by a manufacturer that builds to order, or engineers to order. Also, a manufacturer might have a requirement to operate and manage on a contract by contract basis. The operational and financial activity for a specific contract can be managed with the Project Capability. The Project Control functionality provides a centralized point to access and review all the operational aspects of a project.

Table of Contents 

  1. Project Master
    1. Project Charge Codes
    2. Job Code
    3. Inventory Item by Project
    4. ODC Code Maintenance
    5. Project Budget-Cost
    6. Inventory Item By Site/Project
    7. Project Workbench
    8. Project Status
    9. Inventory Item By Site/Project   
  2. Project Cost Concur Integration
  3. Import Project Master
  4. Project Dashboard and Reports
  5. Import Project Budget Cost
  6. Financial Project Master
  7. Auto-Project
Project Control Overview

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