
Purge System Transactions

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Purge System Transactions is an optional process to delete SYDATA, SYDATAT, SOAPI, POLOADER, Process Log, Labor Booking, SYRESULT, SYRESULTD, PLM Import, PO Print, Sales Order Print, Sales Invoice Print, and Picklist records. This is NOT an archive, but rather a delete of the selected data.


Periodic use, as needed, to reduce data storage requirements in your Salesforce Org, using parameters as noted below.


Purge System Transactions


Purge Thru Date:  This is required and compared to the 'Last Modified Date' field value for the SYDATA, SYDATAT, SOAPI, POLOADER, PLM Import records, and the 'Created Date' field value for the Process Log, Labor Booking, SYRESULT, SYRESULTD, PO Print, Sales Order Print, Sales Invoice Print, Picklist records.

Purge Transaction Object Data:  If checked, the System Data Transaction (SYDATA) records and the System Data Transfer (SYDATAT - used for inventory transfers) records, through the selected date are purged.

Purge Sales Order Upload Data:  If checked, the Sales Order API (SOAPI) records through the selected date are purged.

Purge Purchase Order Upload Data:  If checked, the POLOADER records through the selected date are purged.

Purge Process Logs:  If checked, the Process Log records through the selected date are purged.

Purge Labor Booking:  If checked, the Process Labor Booking (PROCESS_OPLAB, TACLOCKOFF, ICCLOCKTXN, TACLOCKON) records through the selected date are purged.

Purge Processing Results:  If checked, the Processing Results (SYRESULT) and Processing Result Details (SYRESULTD) records through the selected date are purged.

Purge PLM Import Data:  If checked, the PLM Import records (PLMIMPORT, PLMITEM, PLMBOM, PLMAPPMFG) records through the selected date are purged.

Purge PO Print Data:  If checked, the PO Print records (POPRINTHDR, POPRINTLINE) are purged through the selected date.

Purge Sales Order Print Data:  If checked, the Sales Order Print records (FSOACKH, FSOACKD, FSOACKSCHED, FSOACKCOMP) records through the selected date are purged.

Purge Sales Invoice Print Data:  If checked, the Sales Invoice Print records (FSOINVH, FSOINVLINE, FSOINVDTL) records through the selected date are purged.

Purge Picklist Data:  If checked, the Picklist records (ICDMDPICKLOC, SOPICKH, SOPICKD, FSOPICKH) records through the selected date are purged.


Purge Planned Transfer: If checked, Processed Planned Location Transfers records where ICTRANSREQ_STATUS = ‘Processed’ through the selected date are purged.


Ignore Status (SYDATA, SYDATAT, SOAPI, POLOADER, PLMIMPORT):  If checked, the user-selected SYDATA, SYDATAT, SOAPI, POLOADER, PLMIMPORT transaction records through the selected date are purged, irrespective of status, When unchecked, only the processed records are purged.


Purge:  Click on this Button to purge the selected records.

User-added image  NOTE  Rootstock advises that consideration be given to exporting key records to CSV (or other file formats) to preserve historical data before running this purging process.


Sales Order Purge
Purchase Order Purge
Work Order Purge
Purge Cost Transactions 
Purge Financial Transactions
Schedule Purging Processes

Purge System Transactions

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