
RMA Setup Requirements

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This article outlines the setup requirements needed for RMA Processing.

Step 1: SO Control


SO Control

Order Processing Tab

Designated RMA Generic Kit Parent:  If customers can return lower-level components that are not Rootstock Products (no Product Master exists for an item being returned), create a "generic" Product that can be entered here, and used later when creating the RMA Detail for the 'non-Product' return.

Credit, Charges & Commissions Tab 

Credit Organization:  Set this to an Organizational Department where the Credit Department Group Indicator is checked.

Prefixes & Auto Number Tab

Set the fields 'RMA Number Prefix', 'Auto Number RMAs', and 'Next RMA Number' as required.

Warranty & RMA Tab

Check ‘Use RMA Inspections by Default’ checkbox if the RMA receipt puts the Product into the RMA Inspection location identified on the RMA Detail (which is set from Product Group/Product).

RMA Adjustment Account:  Set to the default RMA Adjustment Account.

Step 2: Reason Codes


Reason Codes

Create Reason Codes for RMA "Reason for Return".

  • Check the 'Use for RMA Returns ' checkbox.
  • Set the RMA Adjustment Account if the RMA Adjustment Account is to differ from the RMA Adjustment Account on the SO Control record for the given Reason Code.

Step 3: RMA Statuses


RMA Statuses

Create RMA Statuses.

  • Check ‘Set Closed Indicator’, ’Set Credit Authorized Indicator’ or ‘Set Released Indicator’ boxes as appropriate.

Step 4: Product Group


Product Group


Set the RMA Location data (Inventory, Inspection, and Scrap).

Order Quantity Tab

Enter the Default Qty/Minimum Qty/Lot Size.

User-added image  NOTE If any of these are set, when creating a Replacement Sales Order for an RMA, the RMA Authorized Quantity must conform to these settings.

User-added image  EXAMPLE If Minimum Qty is set to 20 and the RMA Detail Authorized Quantity is 1, you will receive an error (Order Qty cannot be less than "Minimum Order Qty") when creating the Replacement SO, as the SO Line cannot be created for a Qty less than 20.

Step 5:  Product



Product (if overrides from the Product Group are established)


Set RMA Location data (Inventory, Inspection, Scrap).

Order Qty Tab

Enter the Default Qty/Minimum Qty/Lot Size.

User-added image  NOTE If any of these are set, when creating a Replacement Sales Order for an RMA, the RMA Authorized Quantity must conform to these settings.

User-added image  EXAMPLE If Minimum Qty is set to 20 and the RMA Detail Authorized Quantity is 1, you will receive an error (Order Qty cannot be less than "Minimum Order Qty") when creating the Replacement SO, as the SO Line cannot be created for a Qty less than 20.


RMA Overview
Adding an RMA Header
Adding RMA Detail
RMA Processing

RMA Setup Requirements

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