Requirement records in the ICIXR object are created for an Inventory Item based on its Demand and Supply Orders or by the Launch of MRP. These are reference records with the main details of the Order in a shortened format. Users can access the Requirements records without surfing through all the data in individual Orders.
The Requirement records are auto-created due to an Item's demand and supply order creation. They are updated each time the status changes, the quantity changes, and/or the date changes on the Demand or Supply orders. The Requirement records are auto-deleted once the Demand or Supply Orders are closed.
The Demand Orders are:
WO Component Demand
Subcontract PO Demand
SO Line Demand
Forecast Demand
The Supply Orders are:
Work Order Supply
Disassembly Supply
Purchase Order
Requisition Supply
NOTE The MRP Planning Policy selected on the Inventory Item Master also plays a crucial role in creating the Requirement records when MRP is launched.
Division: Identifies the specific Division that the item is associated with.
Item Number: Inventory Item Number for which the Requirement is created.
Receipt Site: Lookup to the associated Receipts Site Master.
Order No: Requirements Order Number.
Order Type: Requirements Order Type.
Values are:
Supply Order Types -
M (Work Order Supply)
N (Disassembly Supply)
P (Purchase Order)
R (Requisition Supply)
Demand Order Types -
6 (WO Component Demand)
4 (Subcontract PO Demand)
1 (SO Line Demand)
0 (Forecast Demand)
Order Type Description: Shows the description of the Order Type field.
Line Release: Not currently used - always zero.
Line No: Line ID of this Requirement's corresponding Order.
Project: Project associated with the Requirements.
Date Required: This is the date a demand is required or a supply is needed to fulfill a requirement.
Inv UOM: Inventory UOM associated with the Requirement.
Responsible Planner: Responsible User associated with the Requirement.
Net Forecast Demand Option: Requirement Demand Netting Option:
1 - Net all demands against forecast.
2 - Net only independent demands.
Inv Item Master: Lookup to the associated Inventory Item Master.
Status: Requirements Order Status.
Parent Item No: Parent Item Number of the associated Inventory Item Master.
Qty Required: Requirement's required quantity.
Qty Remaining: Requirement's outstanding quantity.
Forecast Start Date: Requirement's Forecast Start Date.
Forecast End Date: Requirement's Forecast End Date.
NOTE The fields Forecast Start Date and Forecast End Date only apply when the Order Type is 0 (Forecast Demand).
IMPORTANT When the flag 'Exclude Requirement from MRP' is True on the Requirement record, MRP Process will exclude those Requirements from all the planning processes. The system will set this flag 'Exclude Requirement from MRP' to True when creating the Requirements records for:
Configured Sales Order Line Demand and the Work Order serving as the Supply for the Configured Sales Order Line.
Direct purchases associated with the Sales Order Line Demand and the Purchase Order Line serving as Supply for the Sales Order Line.
However, the system will not set the 'Exclude Requirement from MRP' to true for the Requirement record (with 'Order Type' value as 4) created for a child component belonging to the subcontract item used on the Direct purchase associated with the Sales Order Line.
MRP Terminology
MRP Planning Policies and Quantities
MRP Launch
Inventory Item Master MRP Policies tab
ICIXR Analysis and Repair