
Sales Order Invoice Batch

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Rootstock provides the ability to process Sales Order Invoices in Batches, rather than one at a time. Sales Order invoice batches are handled much in the same manner as singular SO Invoices. This document explains the Invoice Batch creation options and processing, as well as the related settings on the SO Control record.

A SO Control record must be established in order to utilize this function.


On the SO Control Record, Invoice Processing Section, the Disallow Invoice Creation at Fulfillment indicator is a setting that has implications on how Sales Order Invoices are created and can or cannot be added to a SO Invoice Batch during SO Fulfillment. When checked, the ability to create Sales Order Invoices from the SO Fulfillment workbench is removed. The Sales Order Invoice Header function is used. 

Processing - Create Invoice and Add to a Batch From the SOFulfillment page

On the SO Control Record, Order Processing Section, when the field Hide Invoice batch Option in SO Fulfillment indicator is not checked, the Add Invoice to Current Batch option is available from the SO Fulfillment page and enables the new SO Invoice to be added to an existing or new batch.

On the SO Fulfillment page, where the SO fulfillment and invoicing are done in separate steps, the first step is to fulfill.  This includes Allocated (optional), Picked, Packed, and Shipped. Once a Sales Order has been shipped, the user can create the invoice and add it to a current batch by checking the indicators boxes for both the Create Invoice and Add Invoice to Current Batch and selecting the shipped Sales Order Line(s) in the lower section of the page.

Alternatively, if the process is to combine the fulfillment and invoicing, the user selects both the Allocate (Optional), Pick, Pack, Ship, and Invoice and Add Invoice to Current Batch boxes and selects the Sales Order Line(s) in the lower portion of the page. 

Processing - Create SO Invoices and add them to a Batch - Using the Sales Order Invoice Header function or the Create Invoice for All Shippers

When, on the SO Control record, in the Invoice Processing section, if the Disallow Invoice Creation in Fulfillment indicator is checked, the Create Invoice and Add Invoice to Current Batch functions are removed from the SO Fulfillment page. In this configuration, there are two options to create invoices. Option 1 is the Sales Order Invoice Header creating them one by one from a Sales Order Shipper.  Option 2 creates invoices for all Shippers in the Division not invoiced.

Option 1 - Create an Invoice from Sales Order Invoice Header and assign it to an invoice batch.


SO Invoice > Click the 'New Sales Order Invoice Header' button.


Customer:  Select the customer for whom the invoice is being created.

Invoice Date:  Select or enter the date.

Batch Number:  User can select any one of the following options:

  • Do Not add to batch (creates a single invoice)

  • Add to Invoice Batch No: Open batches are displayed for selection.

  • Create and Add to a New batch

Option 2 - Use Create Invoice for All Shippers to create invoices


Create Invoice for All Shippers.


Division: The Division in which the invoices are created.

Add to Batch: When this indicator is checked, invoices are added to an existing batch. When unchecked an invoice is created but not assigned to a batch.
After the Create Invoices for Division button is selected a transaction page displays showing Sales Orders for which invoices were created

Processing - To Create a Sales Order Invoice Batch


Sales Order Invoice Batch > click the 'New Sales Order Invoice Batch' button.

Enter the values for required fields and click the 'Save' button so the Sales Order Invoice Batch will be created.

To view the invoices in a batch, from the Sales Order Invoice Batch list view select the batch to view in the Sales Order Invoice Batch Name column.


Division Master:  This is the Division associated with the SO Invoice batch.

Batch Number:  This is the SO Invoice Batch Number.

Closed:  When checked, indicates that this SO Invoice Batch has been closed.

Approved:  When checked, indicates that the SO Invoice Batch is approved.

Printed:  When checked, indicates that this SO Invoice Batch has been printed.

Transferred:  When checked, indicates that this SO Invoice Batch was transferred to the Accounting System being used.

Total Invoice Lines in Batch:  This field carries the total number of lines across all invoices in this batch.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  This field Total Invoice Lines in Batch is visible and its value is auto-populated after the Sales Order Invoice Batch is closed.

Date Added:  The date that this SO Invoice Batch was created.

Date Closed:  The date that this SO Invoice Batch was approved.

Date Approved:  The date that this SO Invoice Batch was closed.

Date Printed:  The date that this SO Invoice Batch was printed.

Date Transferred:  The date that this SO Invoice Batch was transferred to the applicable Accounting System used.


Using the below buttons, the user can add or remove invoices or process the SO Invoice batch.

Add to Batch:  Shows Invoices that are available to add to the selected batch.

Remove From Batch:  Remove an invoice(s) currently in the Batch which can be removed.

Approve Batch / De-Approve Batch:  Used to Approve or De-Approve Batches from the pop-up page and updates SO Invoices and fields accordingly.

Close Batch / Re-Open Batch:  Used to Close or Re-Open Closed Batches from the pop-up page and fields accordingly.

Transfer Batch:  Transfers the Batched Invoices to Accounts Receivable and updates the Date field.


note25 (1).png NOTE  The system allows users to transfer up to a maximum of 2100 invoice lines in a batch.

Print  Invoice Batch: Prints the invoice batch.

Split Batch:  Allows the user to split the Sales Order Invoice batch into two batches about half of the total lines across all invoices.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  This button is enabled when the Sales Order Invoice batch is closed and not approved.

To view the details of an individual invoice

Select Sales Order Invoice Name for the invoice to display
Select Related to view the Invoice Lines, Account Distribution Summary, and Account Distribution details.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  When Printing or Emailing the Sales Order Invoice Batch using the Email Template and if the batch has invoice lines greater than 2100, then the system will show a warning message: 'The total number of lines across all invoices in this batch may be more than can be accommodated by the Salesforce Email Template process. If a CPU Timeout error occurs, the solution is to remove some of the invoices in this batch'.


Sales Order Control 
Sales Order Header Creation and Management
SO Invoice and Credit Memos
Sales Order Fulfillment
Create Invoice for All Shippers 
SYDATA - Un-Firm All Sales Order Lines

Sales Order Invoice Batch

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