
Sales Order Header Creation and Management

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The Sales Order Header is the primary record to associate all Sales Order related activity.  It is the customer demand source for Material Requirements Planning. Similar to Rootstock Sales Orders, Rootstock also provides a Sales Order Quote function with the exception that a Sales Order Quote is not treated as demand. This article outlines the various methods of creating Sales Orders Headers and reviews key settings and fields.


Creation of Sales Order Header, which can manage key functions such as:

  • Sales Order Line: On the Sales Order Lines are the Rootstock Products that are sold to the Customer. Products on Sales Order Lines generate MRP Demands. To meet this demand MRP will plan to provide the product from inventory or plan a Purchase or Work Order. A product may be services provided to the customer. 

  • Addresses and Contact information: Shipping, Billing, Acknowledgment, and Installation addresses and Contact details for each, or for the Order itself, for use during the sales processing of Shippers, Invoices, and customer-facing documents.

  • Shipping Charges and Taxes:  The default values come from the Customer Master record or the Rootstock Product Master Record. 

  • SO Pick List Header: The list used to pick the Product-Inventory Item to be shipped to the customer. 

  • Sales Order Shipping Detail: Provides visual of tracking numbers, quantities, and product, per SO Shipper.

  • Sales Commissions: Functionality that assists in the management of commissions for Salespersons that were involved in the Sales Process. 

  • Charges: Handing, Packaging, Freight, Tax-Exempt Status. 

  • Credit: Terms and holds and prepayment.


Sales Order Header and Lines may be added manually or from different sources. Below is a comprehensive list of all the supported interfaces to add Sales Orders:

Method 1 - Manually using Sales Order Header
To begin creating a new Sales Order, the user can select either the New or New Quote Header button. For details on Quote management see Sales Order Entry - Quote Management.
Method 2 - Customer Master item
By selecting the Create Sales Order function on a Customer Master record.

Method 3 - From Salesforce Quote / Opportunity / Case
A Salesforce Quote or Opportunity or Case can be used to create a Rootstock Sales Order. For details see: Quote / Case / Salesforce Create Rootstock Quote / Order Custom Button
Method 4 - Product Configurator Export
A Product Configurator Export can create a Rootstock Sales Order. For details see: Exporting Configuration Session To Sales Order

Method 5 - Contract Master
A Rootstock Sales Order can be created from a Rootstock CPQ contract. For details see: Sales Order Processing

Method 6 - Externally using SOAPI or Sales Order API
Externally sourced Sales Order information can be brought into Rootstock to create a Rootstock Sales Order. For details see: Sales Order API
Method 7 - Direct Sales - When PO Header is submitted to Vendor 
When an item/product is configured for Direct Purchasing, when a Purchase Order is sent to the vendor a Sales Order can be created. For details see: Inter Company Direct Purchase
Method 8 - Replacement Sales Order - Can be created from RMA
A replacement Sales Order can be created from an RMA. For details see: RMA Overview & Create RMA Replacement Sales Order

Method 9 - Clone a Sales Order Header
An existing Sales Order can be cloned to create a new Sales Order.
Method 10 - 'New Quick Order' button
In Lightning, Sales Order Header and Line details can be quickly entered using the 'New Quick Order' button on the Sales Order Header List View.
Process - Method 1 or 2 

Navigation: Sales Order Processes App > Sales Order Header tab

Select either New or New Quote Header

User-added image  NOTE  It is recommended to go through the Sales Orders - Setup article to understand these setup objects before proceeding with the creation of Sales Orders.

In the information section: 

Division:  (Display only) This is the Division where the Sales Order is placed, and it is known as the Sales Division. In a single division installation, the Sales Division and the Inventory Division on the Sales Order Line are one and the same. In a multi-division installation, the Sales Division may be different than the Inventory Division, provided that the Centralized Sales Division option is populated on the Company Control record. In a multi-division installation, Division defaults to the user’s default division – but can be overridden if a user has the authority to enter Sales Orders for multiple divisions. The value entered into this field is used to retrieve the Sales Order Control record (Sales Order Control).

Order Number:  The Sales Order identity number. It typically defaults to the next order number based on the SO Control setting. However, the Sales Order number can be manually assigned by clicking auto-assign off. For automatic Sales Order assignment, the system retrieves the last Sales Order number assigned from the System Setup menu option - Order Number Assign, and increments it by 1.

Customer:  (Display only after the Sales Order Header is added) Here the user is required to input the customer associated with this Sales Order. This field is a ‘type-ahead’ field.  As the user starts typing the customer name into this field, a drop-down menu will be populated with selections that start with the entered characters. The Customer may be modified after the record is created by using the Change Customer button located in the Sales Order Header Special Tab, as long as no Shippers have been generated yet for the Sales Order (shippers are created during Sales Order Fulfillment - pack step).

Order Date:  This is the date that the Sales Order is entered. It defaults to the system date when the order is entered and can be changed by the user.

Default Project:  This is the Project Number that is used as a default value when new Sales Order Lines are added. This field is only available under Project Control. If Auto-Create Project for Each SO Header is Active for the Division, then the field will appear as -- Auto -- when the Sales Order Header is being created, and once saved, the Default Project field will be filled in with the Auto-Created project, which can be overridden at a later point. For more details see SO Control Auto-Project Tab.

Customer Currency: This value is the currency entered on the Rootstock Customer Master record.  The customer may use the company's Home Currency or another currency. For more details see Customer Master

Total SO Amount:  The total amount of the Sales Order Lines without considering the discount. This is calculated by the system and cannot be overwritten.

Order Type:  This defines the Order Type for the Sales Order. It is a user-defined list (Navigate to Sales Order Type) that is created per Division and is used to identify an order as being of a specific type or group. The Order Type also carries information regarding the Charge Sales Accounts, may mark the Sales Order as an Amortization, or disable Direct Purchasing functionality.

User Status:  Values can be selected for this field after configuring User Statuses (Navigate to User Status).  Attaching a User Status code to a Sales Order enables tracking of the progress of Sales Orders through predefined milestones (eg. “In Data Entry,” “Ready to Fulfill,” etc.).

Customer PO:  The user can define the customer’s Purchase Order value on this field if desired. When using Inter Company Direct Purchase, the field will be populated automatically with the Supplying Company/Division Purchase Order Number.

Customer Reference:  This is the Customer Reference for this Sales Order. It is an optional field.

Sales Contract:  The Contract identifier for the contract associated with this Sales Order. Rootstock provides the ability to establish Sales Contracts from which Shipped Serialized Products can be associated with Recurring Services, among other functionality. If the Customer indicated on the Sales Order has associated Sales Contracts available, the Sales Contract can be selected in this field, once the Customer Master has been input. If the Sales Order Header contains Sales Order Lines, the Sales Contract cannot be modified.

Process - Create Sales Order  - Method 1 or 2

  1. Navigate to Sales Order Process > Sales Order Header

  2. Specify an Order Number. If using auto-assign the number will be displayed once the Sales Order Header is saved.

  3. Use the Customer type-ahead field to select a Customer Master for this Sales Order. This will populate default values from Customer Master throughout the Sales Order, most of which can be overridden by the user. 

  4. Order Date defaults to today, but can be overridden to a different value.

  5. Review any of the fields listed below that are available, and update as desired. 

  6. Select  Save. Upon Save, the page will refresh.

  7. To add Sales Order Lines select either Related and in the Sales Order Line Section enter the line(s).  Or in the Custom Links section of the Sales Order Header select Quick Entry.

Many of the fields in the sections Addresses, References, Shipping, Charges, Credit, Contact, Cancel/Reverse, will populate data from the Rootstock Customer Master Record.  Data will be updated as the order progresses through the credit checking, production, fulfillment, and invoicing activate data will be updated. 

User-added image NOTE  The system calculates totals differently for the following fields as outlined below:
Order Total (rstk__sohdr_ordertotal__c): This is the total Sales Order Amount with applied discounts.

Order Total (rootstock__Order_Total__c): This is the total of all Sales Order Line Amounts with applied discounts, but excluding the Sales Order Lines with ‘Order Line Credit’ set as true. (This is a Roll-Up Summary field)

Pre-Tax Order Total (rootstock__Pre_Tax_Order_Total__c): This is the sum of all Sales Order Line totals with the Shipping Charges (Freight, Handling and Packaging), excluding the Sales Order Lines with 'Order Line Credit' set as true.
When updating the Sales Order Lines using SOAPI records, the above fields may not be calculated properly because more than one SOAPI record are to run simultaneously. To resolve this issue, create the custom setting ‘soapi_bulksoapis’ and set the value as true (if it doesn't exist).

For Methods 1 or 2 the process described above takes the user through entering a new Sales Order Header.  After the save of the Sales Order Header, Sales Order Lines can be entered by selecting Related and entering lines in the Sales Order Lines section or by selecting Quick Entry.

Create Sales Order 

  1. Use Method 1 or 2 to create a new Sales Order.

  2. Specify an Order Number. If using auto-assign the number will be displayed once the Sales Order Header is saved, and it is possible to enter a number by unchecking the box with the label  'Auto-assign on save'.

  3. Use the Customer type-ahead field to select a Customer Master for this Sales Order. This will populate default values from Customer Master throughout the Sales Order, most of which can be overridden by the user. 

  4. Order Date defaults to today, but can be overridden to a different value.

  5. Review any of the fields listed below that are available, and update as desired. Most of these fields will also be available for edits after the Sales Order Header has been initially saved, after which additional fields will also become available (Sales Order Edit).

  6. Click Save.

  7. To add Sales Order Lines select either Related and in the Sales Order Line Section enter the line(s).  Or in the Custom Links section of the Sales Order Header select Quick Entry.


'New Quick Order' button

  1. In Lightning, click the 'New Quick Order' button on the Sales Order Header List View. This will open the Quick Order Entry pop-up wizard.

note25 (1).png  NOTE To manually add this button if it is unavailable on the Sales Order Header List View, do the following:

    1. On the Sales Order Header List View, navigate to the Gear icon at the top right side of the page and click 'Edit Object'. 
    2. Click on the 'List View Button Layout' on the Sales Order Header Object Manager page.
    3. Click on 'Edit' in the action drop-down menu.
    4. Add 'New Quick Order' from the 'Available Buttons' field as the topmost button to the 'Selected Buttons' field.
  1. Enter the header details for the order. Search for and select the customer in the 'Customer' field and check the order date as minimum required fields.
  2. If necessary, set the values in the other optional fields and the contact details.
important25.png   IMPORTANT  The system allows the user to customize the fields in the Quick Order Entry pop-up wizard based on the following field sets:
  • Use LUI Quick Order Fieldset in the Sales Order Header object to add/remove fields under the Header Details section
  • Use the LUI Quick Order Read Only Fieldset in the Sales Order Header object to change the property of the fields to editable/read only
  • Use the LUI Quick Order Contacts Fieldset in the Sales Order Header Extension object to add/remove fields under the Contact section
  1. To add a Sales Order Line to the Sales Order Header, click the 'Next' button to navigate to the Lines Quick Entry section.
  2. Search for and select the product on the 'Product' column.
  3. If necessary, set the values on the remaining columns.
important25.png   IMPORTANT  
    • When the user selects a product, the system automatically fills in the default values on the 'Qty Ordered', 'Sales UOM', 'Product Price', 'Inventory Div', and 'Firm' columns.
    • The system allows the user to manually enter zero as value on the 'Qty Ordered' column when a minimum order quantity that is greater than zero exists for the product. However, when the user clicks on the 'Create' button, the system overrides the zero value with the default minimum order quantity that exists for the product.
    • The value the user enters on the 'Manual Price' column overrides the value on the 'Product Price' column.
    • The system allows the user to add/remove columns in the Lines Quick Entry section on the Quick Order Entry pop-up window through the LUI SO Line Quick Entry Fieldset in the Sales Order Line object.
  1. Select the 'Add' button to automatically add five rows to the table.
  2. Repeat from Step 5 to add more Sales Order Lines.
  3. When done, click the 'Create' button. This will automatically save the newly created Sales Order Header and Lines and direct the user to the Sales Order Header page.


note25 (1).png  NOTE  The system creates the Sales Order Header whether the user adds Sales Order Lines or not when the user clicks the 'Create' button. In the case where the lines quick entry fails and the user chooses to cancel the order entry, the header may already be created, and the user may need to manually delete the order header to fully cancel the operation.  



Sales Order Header Creation and Management

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