
Vendor Class Company

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This program is used to add five parameters to the Vendor Classes that are set up and assigned to individual vendors in the Rootstock Purchasing module. These parameters are:
  1. The AP user responsible for the vendor’s account.
  2. The AP control account in the GL.
  3. The GL account to which inventory receipts will initially be credited prior to being matched to an invoice.
  4. The bank account from which the vendor will normally be paid.
  5. The GL account to which receipts will most commonly be debited.

Financial Company Master:  The Financial Company Master must exist for the Company with which the given Vendor Class Company record is being added.

Vendor Class:  Vendor Class records must exist in order to be able to “extend” them for Financial Company-specific attributes

GL Accounts (Chart of Accounts):  Appropriate GL Accounts that are needed for this functionality must exist

Bank Accounts:  At least one Bank Account must exist that will be used as the Accounts Payable default for the given Vendor Class and Financial Company


Financial System Admin > Vendor Class Company


Vendor Class Company – add or edit


Vendor Class:  Vendor Class established for the given Financial Company.
Company:  The Financial Company that the given Vendor Class is associated.
AP User:  The Responsible AP User responsible for this Vendor Class within the given Financial Company.
Accounts Payable Account:  The Accounts Payable Account used for Payable Transactions for Vendors associated with the given Vendor Class and Financial Company.
Accrued AP Account:  The Accrued AP Account used for Payable Transactions for Vendors associated with the given Vendor Class and Financial Company.
Bank Account Name:  The default Bank Account used for payments for Vendors associated with the given Vendor Class and Financial Company.
GL Expense Account:  The GL Expense Account used for Payable Transactions for Vendors associated with the given Vendor Class and Financial Company.

Vendor Class Company

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