
Work Order Picklist

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The Work Order Picklist function displays a Picklist showing the component items and locations available for picking from inventory. If the component item is in more than one inventory location, multiple locations are shown. The Picklist can be printed after the Extract Components button and the Generate Picklist Records Button have been selected on the Work Order.  A Work Order Picklist must be generated before printing the Work Order Traveler and entering Time and Quantity Booking. 
Work Order  > Related Lists > Pick List Tab 
The Work Order Picklist must be generated before components items can be issued to the Work Order and the Time and Quantity Booking entries processed. It is the final step in the preparation of the Work Order for release to production. The Picklist may be generated, regenerated or deleted. 
User-added image  EXAMPLE

1. All the component material is available when the Picklist is generated. 
2. Not all the component material is initially available. Some of the component material is not available when the Picklist is generated and production begins. The missing component material is received and the Picklist is regenerated.
3. A change is made to the Bill of Material components after the Picklist is generated. The Picklist is deleted and then regenerate to include the added Bill of Material Components.

Processes to Generate, Regenerate, Delete and Generate
User-added image  NOTE  There must be Component Records in the Related List  > Component. The Work Order must be Status 3 or 4 to generate the Picklist.

Process to Generate
1. Navigate to the Work Order
2. Select Generate Pick List button
3. View Pick List in Related Lists section of the Work Order

Process to Delete a Pick List
1. Select the Delete Pick List button
2. Select the Generate Pick List button

Process to Regenerate a Pick List
1. Select the Regenerate Pick List button

User-added image  NOTE  The Picklist Component Records are displayed after the Generate Pick List button has been selected. A Picklist can be Regenerated at any time.

User-added image  IMPORTANT When the Picklist Records are generated, the system (not the User) will automatically change the Work Order status to ‘5’.

Process to Print Picklist

The user can print the Picklist by clicking the Print Picklist button, and the generated Picklist file will be saved under the Notes and Attachment section on the corresponding Work Order record. The printed Work Order Picklist is based on the template selected on the Form Template - Work Order Picklist field in the corresponding Division Master.

  NOTE The Print Picklist button is enabled when the Status of the Work Order is '5-Pick List records generated' and the Form Template - Work Order Picklist field in the corresponding Division Master record is not blank.


Pick List Tab
Name:  Internal Name of this record, Picklistdetail. Use to access this record.

Component Item:  Component part number.

Description:  Description of the item.

Pick Qty:  Quantity of this component to be picked.

Date Required:  Date the component item is required to be issued to the Work Order.

Loc ID:  The Inventory Location ID where the component is in stock.

Loc No:  The Location Number within the Location ID where the component is in stock.

Loc Qty:  The on-hand quantity of the component item in the Location ID/Location Number.

Lot/Serial No:  When the component item is lot or serial controlled, the lot number or serial number of the item in the Inventory Location ID/Location Number.

Backflush Ind:  Identifies whether this component Work Order Demand will be backflushed.
Work Order Picklist

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