
Capture Customer Payment

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Capturing a Customer Payment is the second step in the Cash Receipts process. In this step, a user records multiple customer payments associated with the bank deposit made. For example, where three customer checks were entered on a single deposit slip and banked. In this case, the user would enter three Customer Payments on the one Cash Receipt record.

In the Payments pane displayed on the saved Cash Receipt, a user can choose to:

  • New Customer Payment - use this option when you choose to apply the Customer Payment to the related customer transactions immediately.

  • Payment Quick Entry - use this option when you wish to process numerous customer payments, first balancing them to the total deposit and then applying the Customer Payments later.

  • When there are existing Customer Payments, a user can delete a selected Customer Payment by selecting the relevant Customer Payment line to be deleted and clicking Delete (selected). Deleting a payment reverses any payment applications made against it.

New Customer Payment

When selecting New Customer Payment, a Cash Receipts Detail screen will be displayed for users to enter the necessary customer payment information.


Customer Who Has Paid:  Select the customer associated with the payment from the dropdown menu.

Customer Pay Amount – Pay Curr:  The customer payment amount in the payment currency.

Customer Payment Method:  Select the payment method associated with the customer payment. Options are:

  • Check

  • Cash

  • Credit Card at Cash Receipts

  • EFT

  • No Payment

  • Wire

Check # or Other Payment Reference:  This will be the customer Check # or other reference number used to identify the Customer Payment.

Customer Payment Currency:  The currency for the customer as defined in the Customer Master.

Exchange Rate (Maint to Home):  The exchange rate extracted from the exchange rate schedule for the payment to home currency conversion.

No Payment:  When checked, there is no real customer payment. The only transactions entered will be credit memo/Unapplied cash applications, write-offs, and write-ups.

Once the information for the customer payment has been captured, then click on Save. A user may cancel the Customer Payment captured by selecting Cancel.

The Cash Receipt Detail screen will be updated upon saving, and additional buttons/options will be available to the user. These are:

  • Edit:  This option allows the user to go back and edit the Customer Payment information if necessary.

  • Delete:  This option will delete the Customer Payment. When a payment is deleted, any cash applications made against it will be reversed.

  • Remainder to Unapplied Cash:  When the user cannot apply the full Customer Payment amount to customer transactions, they can allocate the Unapplied portion to Unapplied Cash. See the Remainder to Unapplied Cash section below.

  • New Applications:  Option to be used when the user wishes to apply the Customer Payment amount to customer transactions.

  • Edit Applications:  Option to be used to edit an existing Customer Payment amount application.

To return to the main Cash Receipts screen, click on the hyperlink in the Cash Receipts field (e.g., B-USD-1902).
When returning to the main screen, a user can:

  • Edit the customer payment by clicking on the Edit hyperlink on the Customer Payment line. The customer payment detail will be displayed, and the user can edit the information as required.

  • View the customer payment information by clicking on the View hyperlink on the Customer Payment line.

  • Delete the Customer Payment by selecting the relevant Customer Payment line to be deleted and click Delete (selected). Deleting a payment reverses any payment applications made against it.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  If the Cash Receipts Detail is created from CRATO, the user can edit it when the Customer Currency on the Cash Receipts Detail is the same as the Bank Currency on the Cash Receipt.

Payment Quick Entry

When a user chooses to capture several Customer Payments before applying them, they use the Payment Quick Entry option.
This option allows for faster capture of Customer Payments.

Selecting Payment Quick Entry will navigate a user to the Payments Quick Entry screen, which will allow the user to capture the “Customer who has paid”, “Customer Payment Method”, “Check # or Payment Reference”, and “Customer Pay Amount – Pay Currency”. To add another customer payment, a user selects Add, and an additional line will be created for customer payment entry. Once all customer payments are captured, click Save. Click on Ok
A user may cancel the Payment Quick Entry process by selecting Cancel.

Once the Customer Payment has been entered and saved, a user can apply the Customer Payment to the associated Customer transactions. Refer to the Customer Payment Allocation for the application process.


Cash Receipts Overview
Create Bank Deposit
Customer Payment Allocation
Finalize Cash Receipt

Capture Customer Payment

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