There can be three addresses for every Purchase Order Header:
- The Shipment Address - where the Vendor is to ship the goods.
- The Billing Address - where your AP department will send the check.
- The Purchasing Address - where your company will mail the Purchase Order.
When the Purchase Order Header is created, it will automatically use the default addresses as follows:
- The Shipment Address comes from the Division record.
- The Billing Address comes from Vendor record.
- The Purchasing Address comes from the Vendor Address record.
If any of these fields are overridden, a PO Header Address Record is created with the Override Information, as defined on the Advanced Tab.
NOTE The PO Header Address record records the Address Override information which is referenced by the Header record. It contains a field which indicates whether the Address Record is for the ‘Bill To’, ‘Mail To’ or ‘Ship To’ Address. Because the system supports multiple changes to any address, an address sequence number is used to differentiate between each change.
In the case of the Bill-To Address, when the Purchase Order Header record is added, the Purchase Order Header Override Bill To Address Sequence Number is initialized to null, indicating that there is no corresponding PO Header Address override record.
Purchase Order Overview
Purchase Order Advanced Information
Bill To Tab
Mail To Tab
Ship To Tab
Vendor Master
Division Master