This article describes the auto-generated lot numbering logic during the Purchase Order Receipt processing. The functionality allows the user to add the lot numbers on the Purchase Order Receipt page through the logic mentioned on the custom fields, available either on the Inventory Item Master or on the Division Master objects. The users are also able to override and edit the system generated lot numbers on the Purchase Order Receipt page.
Navigate > Division Master > Auto Numbering Tab
The checkbox Use Custom Lot Auto Number Prefix, on the Division Master Record, under the Auto Numbering Tab, decides which logic is to be used to generate the lot number on the Purchase Order Receipts page for a purchased item that is only lot tracked.
If the checkbox is set to true, a search is made for a custom field, first on the Inventory Item Master object and then on Division Master Object, with the API Name custom_polotprefix__c. If the custom field is found with a value populated, it will be used as the prefix value as a lot Number for the field 'Lot Numbers' on the Purchase Order Receipt page.
If the checkbox is set to false, the auto-generated lot numbering logic for the field 'Lot Numbers' on the PO Receipt page is based on the fields ‘Purchase Lot Auto Number Method’ and ‘Purchase Lot Auto Number Prefix’.
NOTE The custom field should be added by the user directly to the objects mentioned above, allowing full access to the formula.
Navigate > Purchase Order Receipt
Based on the above prerequisites, the lot number is auto-generated for the field 'Lot Numbers' on the Purchase Order Receipt page for a purchased item that is only lot tracked.
The user is also allowed to override or edit the auto-generated lot number field 'Lot Numbers' on the PO Receipt page.
NOTE The auto-generated lot numbering logic is not-applicable for System Transaction Object (SYDATA) validate method.
NOTE If two users are creating the Purchase Order Receipts at the same time, then there is a possibility of getting the same lot numbers from the new custom fields.
Purchase Order Overview
PO Receipts - Receive Multiple Lots on a Single PO line
Purchase Order Receipts