
RMA Overview

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Rootstock’s RMA (Returned Material Authorization) provides a formal system for the return of material from Rootstock customers. The RMA may be received against sales order shipments or invoices, or may be stand-alone without ties to a specific order.

To begin the process, an RMA header record is created, and detail lines are then added. The header record allows the user to include reason and action codes, maintained on separate code tables. These reason codes flow to the lines and can be overwritten there if needed. In addition, the header status can be set to ‘Released’ or ‘Closed’ to control the use of the RMA.
Non-Rootstock products may also be returned using the RMA system by creating a generic product on the product master. This is helpful for lower-level components the customer may need to have replaced or repaired that are not products on your system, or for items you did not sell but will repair including components of Kitted items.

Serial controlled RMA’s can be associated with Warranty Detail, which can have an associated Device History Record, displaying ‘as built’ vs. ‘as maintained’ to help you determine the steps to take, if any, to resolve the issue leading to the return. (See Warranty Management for additional information).

A ‘Quick Entry’ method of adding RMA detail lines is provided with the option to link the RMA line items to specific Sales Orders or Invoices. The detail information from the Sales Order/Invoice is provided, allowing the user to pick and choose line items from that order, bypassing the need to enter data manually.

The RMA process links seamlessly to Rootstock Inventory, providing the full history of the movement of the RMA items, whether they be standard parts or lot/serial controlled.


RMA:  Returned Material Authorization – Vehicle for returning Rootstock Products from Customers.

RMA Header:  The RMA "Header" record is the "parent" record that can contain multiple RMA Detail lines tied to it. The RMA Header contains information that can be inherited when the RMA Detail is added, such as Reason for Return, Action, Released status and Advanced Replacement flag, although these values can be overridden at the RMA Detail (line) level if desired.

RMA Detail:  Once an RMA Header is created, an RMA Detail record, or RMA "line", may be added. This detail record contains the Product Number, Quantity Authorized, SO Line and/or SO Shipper Line, if desired, and other details specific to the item being returned. An RMA Detail can either be added manually using the New RMA Detail button on the RMA Header, or by clicking on the Quick Create RMA Details button. RMA processing is done against the RMA Detail.

Quick Create RMA Details:  Button on RMA Header that allows for the creation of an RMA Detail record from an existing SO Shipper or SO Invoice.

New RMA Detail:  Button at the top of the RMA Detail tab that allows the user to add an RMA Detail record directly. If creating a "stand-alone" RMA, one not tied to a specific SO Line, SO Shipper or SO Invoice, the RMA Detail must be added using this function.

Advanced Replacement:  When checked, you can create a replacement Sales Order prior to receiving the given RMA.

Quantity Authorized:  Total quantity to be returned on the given RMA Detail record.

Reason for Return:  This is an optional field where user can select from pre-defined "reasons" for the return.

Reason Code:  This is a SO Setup record that can be created and flagged for RMA use. It can also drive the setting of the RMA Adjustment Account as an override when the given Reason Code is used as a Reason for Return.

Action:  Action required for the RMA. Choices are Replace, Repair or Issue Credit. Used to initialize Action on RMA Details which can be overridden. If set to 'Issue Credit', a 'Credit Memo' can be spawned from the RMA Header for Credit Authorized RMA Details.

RMA Adjustment Account:  This is the Mfg Account that will be used as the credit account on an RMA receipt (and debit account on an RMA receipt reversal).

Condition Received:  A free-form field where the Product’s condition upon receipt can be described. This is for reference only.

Non-Product Components:  A component of a Product shipped that needs to be returned (yet there is no Rootstock Product record for the item being returned).

Released RMA: An RMA that is approved and ready to receive.

User-added image  NOTE When an RMA is at a "Released" status, the RMA Detail is "locked-down" and cannot be changed (unless the RMA is set to "unreleased").

RMA Inventory Location:  Inventory Location identified for the receipt (if not receiving to RMA Inspection) or transfer of RMA items.

RMA Inspection Location:  Inspection Location identified for the receipt (if receiving to RMA Inspection) or transfer of RMA items. 

RMA Status:  User-defined (optional) statuses. You can optionally set up statuses to identify certain actions when used on an RMA Detail (set Closed, Credit Authorized or Released indicators).


RMA Setup Requirements
Adding an RMA Header
Adding RMA Detail
RMA Processing

RMA Overview

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