Establish Order Processing parameters.
Require Ship-To Address Verification: When checked, the 'Ship-To' Address will be verified as a 'valid address' utilizing a 3rd-party web service and will prevent shipment to an address that has not been validated.
System Data SO Issue Method: This value defines the Auto Issue Method for this Division when using the system data interface (SYDATA object) to perform the SO fulfillment.
NOTE When the user selects 'From first found including Lot/Serial' option in this drop-down field 'System Data SO Issue Method', the system automatically issues the ordered Product from the first identified location when multiple locations are available.
Consolidated Fulfillment Active: When checked, rather than a 3-step fulfillment process where separate 'Pick', 'Pack', and 'Ship' transaction steps can be performed in the Order Fulfillment process, these steps are consolidated into a single 'Ship' transaction.
Weight UOM: This is the Unit of Measure that is used for all weight fields wherever they are used throughout Sales Orders setup and processing for this Division.
Auto Number Containers: When checked, the Container Number will be automatically set to the next number in the sequence defined under the "Next Container Number" field.
Next Container Number: This field controls the numbering of Containers and is disabled unless the ‘Auto Number Container’ flag is checked. If enabled, it must be an integer value greater than zero (defaults to 1).
Designated RMA Generic Kit Parent: This is the "generic" product used on an RMA when a customer returns a "non-product" component (i.e., an item contained in a product that is not a product itself). This product is set on the RMA when checking 'Process Non-Product Components' on an RMA. For more details on processing steps, see: How to process material returns that are not a product by themselves?
Direct Purchasing Feature Active: This indicates whether the Direct Purchase feature is active, which allows for the inventory components of Kit Products or Stock Products on Sales Order Lines to be purchased directly from the Sales Order with an option to be drop shipped to the customer.
Inter-System Direct Purchasing Active: When checked, the Inter-System Direct Purchasing function is active.
Project Budget Details from CSO Line: When checked, when a Sales Order Line is added for a Configured Product, Material, Labor, and ODC, Budget Details are automatically created for the Project specified on the Sales Order Line. See Project Budget-Cost for more details.
Allow Issue from All Projects: When checked, the Issue Project for a given Sales Order Line can be changed to a Project that differs from the Sales Order Line Project. This feature is only allowed for Stock or Kit Products for Sales Order Lines that have not been picked or shipped.
Create Warranty Dtl for Configured Comps: When a serial component is used in the manufacture of a “parent” serial item and the component serial number is linked to the parent serial number on the Work Order used, when the parent serial item is shipped, a Warranty record is created for both the parent and component serial items.
Create Warranty Dtl for Stock Comps: When a serial component is used in the manufacture of a “parent” serial item and the component serial number is linked to the parent serial number on the Work Order used, when the parent serial item is shipped, a Warranty record is created for both the parent and component serial items.
Order Type Required on New UI Orders: When checked, Sales Orders created using the Rootstock UI will require an Order Type before a new order can be saved.
NOTE A default Order Type can be set on the Customer Master record, which will then be used when adding new orders.
Show Site Detail in Qty Avail Display: When checked, the quantity available display will show sourcing Site detail.
Suppress Serial Presel in SO Fulfillment: When activated, the user cannot use the preselect function for serial numbers in Sales Order Fulfillment.
Suppress Default Qty in SO Fulfillment: When checked, this changes the behavior of Sales Order Fulfillment by not defaulting a quantity in the 'Process Qty' and 'Issue Qty' fields during the fulfillment process, thus overriding the standard behavior.
NOTE The 'Auto Issue Method' field (also set on the Order Processing tab) is ignored when the 'Suppress Default Qty in SO Fulfillment' is set to true.
Allow Quotes from Customers with No Addr: When checked, customer Quotes without address details are still savable and can become Sales Orders.
Suppress Creation Sales Order Audit Recs: When checked, this field activates a feature that suppresses the creation of Booking, Shipments, and Changes audit records that would otherwise be created at various points in the life of a Sales Order.
Limit Shippers to a Single Ship-Site: This field serves as the default for new Sales Orders. When this field is TRUE on an Order, Shippers for that Order are restricted to Lines carrying a common Ship From Site.
Auto Issue Method: This setting determines the method for automatically selecting the ship-from location when doing a Sales Order Fulfillment (issue/shipment). The choices are as follows.
None: Stock locations will have to always be selected during the issue/shipment process.
Only if (only) on location exists: If inventory typically resides in only one location for the Product being issued/shipped, the system will select that location to issue/ship from. Otherwise, the location will have to be selected during the issue/shipment process.
NOTE With this option, Default Ship From values should not be defined for products being processed, as they will override this control.
Only from location on Order Line: If a Default Ship From location is defined on the Product record, it will be set on the Sales Order Line. This location can be set or changed if necessary by going to the Additional button on the Sales Order Line and going to the Inventory Settings tab, where the “Issue From” location info is displayed. If this is the Auto Issue method used, and no inventory exists in that location, the location will have to be selected manually during the issue/shipment process.
From first found (alpha-numeric) no Lot/Serial: The system will find all “shippable” inventory locations and will issue/ship from the first found in alpha-numeric order, but will not do so if the item is Lot and/or Serial controlled, in which cases these will have to be selected manually.
From first found including Lot/Serial: The system will find all “shippable” inventory locations and will issue/ship from the first found in alpha-numeric order, including when the item is Lot or Serial controlled.
Order Line Allocations Active: When checked and Consolidated Fulfillment is NOT active, the Allocation checkbox in the Order Fulfillment process will be displayed and the allocation step will need to be performed before the ‘Pick’ function.
Auto-Allocate Firm SO Lines: When checked, if Order Line Allocations is active, newly added Sales Order Lines will be automatically allocated upon firming of the Sales Order Line as long as the order is not placed on Credit Hold. If on Credit Hold, releasing said hold will then automatically allocate.
Auto-Allocate Firm Lines use All-You-Can: This option applies the ‘All You Can’ feature when doing the automatic allocation of firmed Sales Order Lines (the full set will not be rejected if one or more lines are unable to be fully allocated).
Allow Multiple Shippers on an Invoice: When checked, the system will allow multiple shippers with the same Sales Order but with varying ship-to addresses to be placed on a single Sales Order Invoice.
Work Order Numbering Method: This value defines the Numbering method when Work Orders are auto-generated when firming a Sales Order Line for a Configured Product or for a Stock Product where 'Configure This Time' is being performed. The choices are as follows.
Use Next Auto-Assigned Number: Uses the same control record for MRP Work Order Number assignment.
Use Next Auto-Assigned Number with Prefix: Uses the same control record for MRP Work Order Number assignment plus the prefix defined in the Work Order Number Prefix field directly below this one on the Sales Order Control Record.
Use Sales Order Number plus Line (123456-1): Uses what the Sales Order Number is plus a “dash” and the Sales Order Line Number.
Work Order Number Prefix: This is an optional prefix for auto-generated Work Orders for Configured Products or for Stock Products where 'Configure This Time' is used. This prefix is only used when the ‘Work Order Numbering Method’: Use Next Auto-Assigned Number with Prefix.
Create WO Picklist Details for CSO Lines: When checked, when firming a Sales Order Line and the Product is ‘Configured’ (or ‘Stock’ using ‘Configure this time’), when the Work Order is auto-created, picklist records will be generated for the Work Order created.
NOTE If Inventory Allocation is being used, Inventory will still need to be allocated before issuing.
Bind CSO Work Order Receipt and SO Issue: When checked, this indicates that SO Issue and CSO Work Order Receipt are bound together, meaning that the WO Receipt will automatically trigger the SO Issue transaction.
Disallow Conversion of $0 Price SFQuotes: Setting this flag that will prevent the user from converting a Salesforce Quote to a Rootstock Sales Order Line if the source quote price is zero.
Suppress Display of $0 Price SF Quotes: When checked, suppresses the display of zero-priced Quotes.
Predefine Serials on SO Line: When checked and a Sales Order Line is entered for a Product where the associated Inventory Item is serial-controlled, Serial #s must be predefined before order fulfillment. Use SO Line > Components button > Predefined Serial Detail (in Edit mode) to assign serials.
Predefine Lots on SO Line: When checked and a Sales Order Line is entered for a Product where the associated Inventory Item is lot-controlled, Lot Numbers must be predefined before order fulfillment. Use SO Line > Components button > Predefined Lot Detail (in Edit mode) to assign Lots.
Require SF Case Number to Fulfill SO: When checked, a Salesforce Case Number must be associated with the Sales Order Line being fulfilled. A Case Number can be entered on the Sales Order Line Additional button popup under the Reference tab, or all lines can be updated with a Case Number using the Sales Order Header 'Global Line Update' function.
Require All Dims to Fulfill Sales Order: When checked, all Dimensions on the Company record must be populated on the Sales Order Line being fulfilled, which should be auto-set if data is set up properly. When a Sales Order Line is unfirmed, Dimensions can be set or changed using the Additional button or 'Global Line Update'. ‘Global Line Update’ can be used for firmed Sales Order Lines as well as long as no issues have taken place.
Hide Commissions Button in SO Entry: When checked, Sales Order Commissions are hidden during Sales Order Entry.
Default Product Search to Customer-Prod: When checked, when using the Product Search button in SO Entry, the 'Limit Search to Customer Products' checkbox in the Product Search popup will default to checked.
Default Order Header Advanced to Open: When checked, the Header ‘Advanced’ section of the Sales Order Entry/Edit UI is defaulted to Opened rather than being collapsed.
Hide Combined Step in Fulfillment: Combined fulfillment step details are not visible on the Sales Order Fulfillment UI when checked.
Hide Invoice Batch Option in Fulfillment: When checked, the Invoice Batch option is not selectable or viewable from the Sales Order Fulfillment UI.
Manual Control Over SO Line Dates: With this feature active, the user will have the ability to update the Sales Order Line Dates freely and independently of the Lead Times used to initialize the dates when the lines are created.
Send SYDATA Tracking No. to Shipper Line: Enabling this feature causes the Tracking Number defined on an SYDATA for Pick-Pack or Pick-Pack-Ship to be written to the Shipper Line instead of the Shipper Header.
Enforce Ship Complete by Issue Site: This field serves as the default for new Sales Orders. When the field is TRUE on an Order, all quantities on all lines on that Order for a given Ship From Site must be included on a single Shipper for it to be able to advance from PACK to SHIP.
SO Control Account Defaults Tab
SO Control Auto-Project Tab
SO Control Configurator Tab
SO Control Credit, Charges & Commissions Tab
SO Control Default Commission Schedule Tab
SO Control Form Templates Tab
SO Control FinancialForce Invoice Tab
SO Control GEO Service Tab
SO Control Invoice Processing Tab
SO Control Miscellaneous Tab
SO Control Prefix & Auto-Number Tab
SO Control Price Tab
SO Control Warranty & RMA Tab
SO Control Sales Contract Tab
Sales Order Control