
QuickBooks Cost Transaction Export Verification

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Verify Cost Transaction Export

This process is only available for cost transactions processed using the Cost Transaction Export to QuickBooks program and allows the user to create a Transaction Journal Report which shows a debit and credit total. The user can then verify that this total (sum of debits and credits) matches the total written to the end of the export file. If the numbers match, then all transactions were successfully loaded.
User-added image  NOTE In order for the verification process to function properly, and to ensure that records are not exported a second time, the Rootstock Inventory Material Movement & Labor Cost Audit table (SYTXNCST) is automatically updated after each successful export by setting the 'Transaction Exported to GL' field to 'true'.
Set-up Task
Create List View on the Rootstock Inventory Cost Transaction object
On the Rootstock Menu under Inventory Management -> launch "Inventory Cost Transactions" -> select "Create New View" and complete as follows -> Save.
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To create the following List View from which the user can determine the 'Export' and 'Verified' status of each Cost Transaction.
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Verification Process 

Step 1 - Identify the 'Export Batch Number'
This batch number is needed during the verification process and can be located within the name of the Cost Transaction output file created during the Cost Transaction Export to QuickBooks process (e.g. '-B14' for the 14th batch).
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Step 2 - Identify the 'QuickBooks Computed Batch Total'
This amount is needed during the verification process. The Total is located on the Debit or Credit Total Line (e.g. '1020.00' in the sample below) within the QuickBooks Journal referencing the name of the Cost Transaction output file under the 'Num' field (e.g. RS20121116 in the sample below).
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Step 3 - Cost Transaction Export to QuickBooks Verification
On the Rootstock Menu under QuickBooks Financials -> launch "Verify Cost Transaction Export" -> in the field labeled "Export Batch Number" enter batch number identified in Step 1 of the Verification Process -> in the field labeled " QuickBooks Computed Batch Total" enter the batch totals identified in Step 2 of the Verification Process -> select "Submit" -> the field labeled "Batch Total in Rootstock will auto populate and if it matches the total entered in the "QuickBooks Computed Batch Total", you the system will return a 'Success' message.
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If not, then the system will return a message "WARNING:  Totals DO NOT MATCH!!!"; then the user must identify which record(s) did not export from Rootstock or did not import correctly import into QuickBooks. To resolve this issue, the user can either manually re-set the "Transaction Exported to GL" to 'False' so that the transaction is pick-up during the next export process, or the user may choose to leave the "Transaction Exported to GL" equal to "True" and manually enter an adjusting Journal in QuickBooks.
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QuickBooks Cost Transaction Export Verification

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