The Rootstock - QuickBooks interface allows for Sales Invoices, Payable Invoices, and Journal Entries for cost transactions (Item Receipts, Inventory Transfers, Work Order issues, and Receipts, etc.) to be exported from Rootstock into QuickBooks through the use of various import and export programs which either read or create IIF files (Tab-delimited text).
The Rootstock - QuickBooks interface is set at the Salesforce org-level. Currently, it supports only a single company and single division environment (unless the user sets up a Chart of Accounts number to encode company/divisional information).
Currently available are the following functions (as listed on the Salesforce org Rootstock Site Map or Rootstock Menu Bar) that support the Rootstock - QuickBooks Financials processes.
System Configuration (SYCONFIG)
During the initial installation of Rootstock software, the Rootstock provisioning team configures the user's Salesforce org for use with QuickBooks by setting various flags and fields on the system configuration record (this record is only accessible by the Rootstock Provisioning team). These settings are as follows.
Accounting Package
Setting denotes that an 'Accounting Package' other than FinancialForce is being used.
QuickBooks Interface Active
Checkbox: 'checked'
If the checkbox is 'checked', the QuickBooks interface programs are active and will be listed on the 'Rootstock Site Map' and 'Rootstock Menu Bar'. The system allows only one 'Accounting Package' to be active at a time (checkboxes associated with other Accounting Packages (e.g. FinancialForce Interface Active, FinancialForce Invoice with Journals) must be 'unchecked).
Create a Salesforce Document folder entitled "Accounting Export"
This folder stores the various IIF files created during the 'Export' processes (All Tabs > Documents > Create New Folder).
Rootstock Menu Bar and Site Map
Once Rootstock is configured to use QuickBooks as the accounting system (see the section on System Configuration above), an authorized user can access the QuickBooks interface functions using any QuickBooks interface programs.
Required Rootstock Records
The user must create the following Rootstock records (processes are described in other Rootstock documentation) in the sequence described below.
'Company' Master
Create a 'Company Master' record by which this org will conduct its' business.
'Division' Master
Create a 'Division Master' record that will map to 'Company Master'.
Complete the following after importing the QuickBooks COA (as described below)
Manufacturing (MFG) Accounts
Create all required MFG Accounts for the division established above (subsequent to importing the Chart of Accounts from QuickBooks, the user must return to the MFG Accounts that the user just created to link each to the appropriate General Ledger Account that was imported).
QuickBooks Chart of Accounts Import
QuickBooks PO Receipt Export
Quickbooks Cost Transaction Export
QuickBooks Sales Invoice Export
QuickBooks Cost Transaction Export Verification
Quickbooks AP Invoice Export