
Setting up a Rootstock Shop Floor User

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Process for setting up a Rootstock Shop Floor User

Each of the steps must be created for each user, and the number of such users you are allowed to create is limited by the 'Number of Shop Floor Users' defined on the Rootstock System Configuration record (which reflects the number of such users you have purchased from Rootstock – such users are sold in blocks of 50). The setup of these users must generally be performed by a System Administrator, and it is assumed that the Salesforce User records have already been created with a ‘Platform User’ license. Each block of 50 such users purchased from Rootstock is deployed to your Salesforce Org as Platform Licenses.

1.    Navigate to the ‘Manufacturing Users’ page on the Rootstock System Setup menu. 

2.    Click the ‘New Manufacturing Users’ button to create a new Shop Floor User.

3.    Assign a unique ‘Clock Number’ for the new user.

4.    Select the Salesforce User value in the ‘Employee’ field (must already exist, as a Platform licensed user).

5.    Select the 'Default Company' and 'Default Division' for the user. It is assumed that such users will be only using Rootstock in a single Company/Division, as they will have no method for switching their current Company/Division.

6.    Set the 'WO Labor Booking Allowed' and 'WO Quantity Booking Allowed' fields as desired. The user cannot book labor hours or operation quantities without the associated field being set to True.

7.    Set the 'Labor Ohd' and 'Fringe Ohd' fields as desired. If either or both of these are set, then Labor Hours booked by the Employee will automatically calculate/apply Labor Overhead and/or Fringe Overhead as appropriate.

8.    Complete these optional fields as desired – 'Email', 'Telephone', 'Shift'.

9.    Select a valid 'Labor Grade' and 'Hourly Rate' (used for Labor Booking). If 'Labor Ohd' and/or 'Fringe Ohd' above are selected, then they will automatically be applied to booked Labor transactions for this employee.

10.    Check the ‘Shop Floor User’

11.    Select the ‘Shop Floor User Start Option’. This will be the page the user is taken directly to whenever they login to Rootstock (they will NOT have access to the normal Rootstock. To navigate between the limited functions they DO have access to, the user will use the Quick Menu on the right side of each page.

12.    Shop Floor Users are restricted to the four processes below (and the reversals of each), via the Quick Menu:

Work Order Issue
Work Order Receipt
Time and Qty booking



Manufacturing Users

Setting up a Rootstock Shop Floor User

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