
Shop Calendar

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A Shop Calendar consists of work and non-work days denoting the days that a manufacturing Division is operational. Certain functions within the system use the Shop Calendar and the Work / Non-Work Day identifier as part of the analytical or transaction process. Many functions within Rootstock require a Shop Calendar and an error will be generated if it is missing for the given calendar year.


Rootstock uses the Shop Calendar when scheduling Work Orders and all associated dates thereof, generating internal transfers (from DRP) and when MRP generates Purchase Requisitions and Planned Work Orders.  Maintaining an accurate Shop Calendar is vital for MRP calculations.

Because operations often cross calendar years, it is best to establish a Shop Calendar for several years in advance of the current year.

Shop Calendars are required for each Division in Rootstock.


Shop Calendar


Navigating to the ListView page displays all Shop Calendar records established by Division.

From there, the user may edit existing Shop Calendars, or by clicking New Shop Calendar, create a new Shop Calendar record.

The user can add next year or a previous year to a Shop Calendar by clicking + sign.

User-added image  NOTE  

  • Users can add a year in the future or past and save the record before adding another year.

  • If the years in the Shop Calendar exceed 20 (twenty), the user can only add previous years to the Shop Calendar.

  • Only one Shop Calendar can exist for a particular Division. If the user tries to create a New Calendar for a specific Division with which a calendar record exists, then the existing record will be replaced with the new one.


Division:  Displays user’s current Division.  To create a Shop Calendar for a different Division, the user would need to change the current Division on their Manufacturing User to the desired Division for which a Shop Calendar is to be added.

Set all:  Provides a quick method of filling the Shop Calendar with working days.  For example, if manufacturing generally works a standard Monday-Friday work week, each of those days would be checked. As the day is checked, the corresponding days in the calendar turn green, indicating they are now operating days.  For holidays or other non-working weekdays, simply click the calendar date to toggle between on and off, or working and not working.


Manufacturing Work Center
Work Order Scheduling

Shop Calendar

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