
System Configuration (SYCONFIG)

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The System Configuration (SYCONFIG) record is exclusively maintained by Rootstock personnel to manage functionality within the Rootstock application. 


User-added image  NOTE In Developer, Developer Pro, and Partial sandboxes, customers can update the SYCONFIG record using a static password (R00tst0ck), but edits to a Full Sandbox or Production orgs require an encrypted password, which can only be configured by internal Rootstock personnel.  

User-added image  NOTE  Customers using Lightning can view this record by searching in the App Launcher for System Configuration. Customers using Classic can view this record by accessing a list view for the rstk__syconfig__c object, or by searching for System Configuration in the All Tabs feature.


User License Details Section

Number of Full Access Users:  The number of authorized (Licensed) Full Access users entitled to use the system. This is defined at the Manufacturing User level.

Current Number of Full Access Users:  This field contains the current count of Manufacturing Users designated as Full Access Users.

Number of Shop Floor Users:  The number of authorized (Licensed) Shop Floor/Labor Only users entitled to use the system. This is defined at the Manufacturing User level.

Current Number of Shop Floor Users:  This field contains the current count of Manufacturing Users designated as Shop Floor/Labor Only Users.

Number of Mobile Access Users:  The number of authorized (Licensed) Rootstock Mobile Users entitled to use the system. This is defined at the Manufacturing User level.

NOTE image.png  NOTE The value of 'Number of Mobile Access Users' must be less than or equal to the sum of the value of the fields 'Number of Full Access Users', 'Number of Shop Floor Users', 'Number of Limited Access Users', and 'Number of Limited SFS Users'.

Current Number of Mobile Access Users:  This field contains the current count Manufacturing Users designated as Mobile Access Users.

Number of Limited Access Users:  The number of authorized (Licensed) Limited Access users entitled to use the system. This is defined at the Manufacturing User level.

Current Number of Limited Access Users:  This field contains the current count of Manufacturing Users designated as Limited Access Users.

Numb Categories Allowed Per Limited User:  This field defines the number of Limited User Categories which can be assigned to any Limited Access User (selected from the subset of categories defined on the Configuration record). This value cannot exceed two.

Limited Access Functional Areas:  This field contains the Limited Access Categories authorized in this org. The values are selected by the Customer but can only be set by Rootstock staff. Individual Limited Access Users can be assigned categories from this subset, either 1 or both, depending on the Numb Categories Allowed Per Limited User value. The number of categories selected cannot exceed two. If the Expanded Shop Floor Category is selected, then it will be the only Category availabled. Values are:

  • Engineering

  • Expanded Shop Floor

  • Inventory Management

  • Production Management

  • Purchase Order Maintenance

  • Purchase Order Receipt

  • Requisitions

  • RMA

  • Sales Order Maintenance

  • Sales Order Fulfillment

  • View Only

  • Warehouse

Number of Limited SFS Users:  The number of authorized (Licensed) Limited SFS users entitled to use the system. This is defined at the Manufacturing User level.

Current Number of Limited SFS Users:  This field contains the current count of Manufacturing Users designated as Limited SFS Users.

Number of Flex Users:  The number of authorized (Licensed) Flex Users entitled to use the system. This is defined at the Manufacturing User level.

Current Number of Flex Users:  This field contains the current count of Manufacturing Users designated as Flex Users.

Authorized Financial Users:  If using Rootstock Financials, this reflects the number of licenses authorized, controlling the number of Financial System User records that can be created. This value should be the same as the Number of Full Access Users, since Financial System Users must be Full Access Users.

Number of Full RootScan Users:  The number of licenses for standard Mobile RootScan functionality, controlling how many users are allowed to use the fully supported Mobile functionality.

Number of Labor Only RootScan Users:  The number of licenses for limited (Shop Floor Only) Mobile RootScan functionality, controlling how many users are allowed to use the restricted Shop Floor Only Mobile functionality.

Mobile Organization Code:  Mobile Organization Code assigned to be used with RootScan.

JPY No Decimals Feature Enabled:  This field enables a feature that causes all monetary transaction values flowing from Operations (ERP) to Financials to be rounded to integers.

note25 (1).png NOTE  When the 'JPY No Decimals Feature Enabled' feature is disabled, (1) the 'JPY No Decimals Feature Active' will be disabled, and 'JPY No Decimals Rounding Method' will be set to blank on all the Companies in the org. AND (2) the JPY No Decimals Rounding Method on all the downstream records (Sales Order Control, PO Control, Customer Master, and Vendor Master) will be set to blank.

API - Heroku Details Section

Daily Limit on SYDATA Transactions:  This is an Override to the default limits calculated by Rootstock for daily entries to the SYDATA Object. If this field is blank the default Daily Limit is: (Number of Full Access Users + Number of Limited Access Users) X 50. A value of 999,999 means there is no Daily Limit.

Daily Limit on SOAPI Transactions:  This is an Override to the default limits calculated by Rootstock for daily entries to the SOAPI Object. If this field is blank the default Daily Limit is: (Number of Full Access Users + Number of Limited Access Users) X 50. A value of 999,999 means there is no Daily Limit.

Daily Limit on POLOADER Transactions:  This is an Override to the default limits calculated by Rootstock for daily entries to the POLOADER Object. If this field is blank the default Daily Limit is: (Number of Full Access Users + Number of Limited Access Users) X 50. A value of 999,999 means there is no Daily Limit.

Dedicated SOAPI Batch Processor:  When checked, a separate "dedicated" SOAPI batch processor, or HVPE bus, is enabled specifically for SOAPI records, to avoid conflict with other queued jobs for SYDATA and POLOADER API records.

HVPE Sydata Processor Enabled:  When checked, it indicates that background SYDATAs will be processed via the HVPE, rather than the PeriodicBatchProcessor.

Heroku Applications Active:  This flag indicates if the Heroku Applications are ACTIVE for the Org.

Feature Activation - Configuration Section

Financial System Interface:  There are several RS-supported Financial Interfaces. If no Financials are used, this can be set to NONE.


important25.png IMPORTANT  Point to remember when changing the 'Financial System Interface' value to 'Rootstock'.


When using FinancialForce, the 'Journal (sytxncst_extjournal_c)' lookup field on the Rootstock Cost Transaction refers to the FinancialForce object 'Journal (c2gcodaJournal_c)'. However, when transitioning to Rootstock financials by setting the 'Financial System Interface' value to 'Rootstock', the system will still reference the 'Journal (c2gcodaJournal_c)' object when creating any cost transaction instead of the 'ERP Journal Header (rstk__gljeh__c)'. This mismatch results in the error: "Journal: id value of incorrect type."


To resolve this issue, the 'Journal (sytxncst_extjournal_c)' lookup field must be deleted and re-added to correctly point to the 'General Journal Header (rstk__gljeh__c)' object.


Enable Option to Suppress ERP Postings:  Enabling this option allows the feature to be enabled at the company level to suppress the creation of GL Transactions from Operation Transactions (SYTXNCST).

note25 (1).png  NOTE  This flag 'Enable Option to Suppress ERP Postings' can be checked only when the 'Financial System Interface' is set as 'Rootstock'.

Multiple Companies Allowed:  When checked in conjunction with checking Multi-Divisions Active, it allows multiple Companies within an Org.

Multi-Division Active:  When checked, the ability to add multiple divisions within a company is enabled. This option MUST be checked if Multiple Companies exist.

Number of Divisions Active:  The maximum number of Divisions allowed within an org.

Order Payment Software ID:  The Order Payment "gateway" identifier for the given software that will be processing the payment transactions, in which for our case is Rootstock. In PayPal, this is referred to as the 'BN Number'.

Net Change is available for MRP:  When checked, the ability to utilize Net Change MRP functionality is enabled, allowing the running of MRP against only those items that have had a change to supplies or demands, as well as other item-related changes, including the addition of new items, since the previous MRP run.

Net Change is available for DRP:  When checked, the ability to utilize Net Change DRP functionality is enabled, allowing the running of DRP against only those items that have had a change to DRP requirements, as well as other item-related changes, including the addition of new items since the previous DRP run.

Inter-Division Planning Active:  When checked, this enables the capability to run MRP across multiple Divisions.

Inter-Site Planning Active:  When checked, this enables the capability to run MRP across multiple Sites.

Entitlements Active:  When checked, Entitlements are active, and Entitlement Products may be established and used.

Allow JEs to Control Accounts:  This field overrides the standard validation and allows for Journal Entries to be made to Control Accounts. This is typically only enabled during the initial loading of startup data and will be turned off once initial data is loaded. This MAY be enabled permanently under special circumstances where the Customer has submitted in writing that they assume responsibility for Account Reconciliation since normal reconciliation does NOT allow for Journals to control accounts.

Vendor RFQ Module Active:  When checked, the Vendor RFQ module is active in this org.

RootForms Active:  When checked, RootForms are enabled.

Labor Only Work Orders:  When checked, the ability to create Labor Only Work Orders is enabled.

Disassembly Module Active:  When checked, the ability to utilize Disassembly functionality is enabled.

Allow Work Order Over Receipt:  This field enables a corresponding field at the Division level, which allows for over receipts on Work Orders in that Division. This feature, as currently implemented, best supports companies that are not tight discrete manufacturers.

Enable Manual Scheduling Method:  When active, this feature accommodates an external Work Order scheduling capability.  When active in a Division, Rootstock scheduling is bypassed, and updates to Scheduled and Due Dates do not impact other dates.

Cost Element Account Detail Active:  When checked, additional Cost elements will be detailed on Cost Transactions.

Subcontract Purchase Orders Active:  When checked, the ability to utilize Subcontract Purchase functionality is enabled.

Outside Operations:  This field activates the Outside Operations feature, allowing for a Purchase Order to be associated with a Work Order Operation, with the PO-related costs going directly to WO WIP upon receipt of the PO.   

Recurring Services Active:  When checked, the Recurring Services functionality is enabled.

Revision Controlled Inventory Active:  When checked, Revision Controlled Inventory is active for this Org.

No Salesforce Account for Vendors:  With this option active, the Rootstock Vendor exists without an associated Salesforce Account.

Enable Bank Integration:  When checked, the bank integration functionality is enabled in the system.

Bypass Character Validation:  When checked, the character validation will be bypassed, and all Unicode characters will be allowed.

IMPORTANT image.png  IMPORTANT  The usage of certain unicode characters may cause parts of the system to function in unexpected ways.


Use 13 Operational Periods:  When checked, this field requires the user to specify 13 operational periods in each Fiscal year vs the normal 12 period per year.
NOTE image.png  NOTE  The system will not allow the user to check/uncheck this flag if at least one Fiscal Year record exists in the org.

Financial Force Section

Transfer JE to FFA in Batch Mode:  When using FFA and checking this field, Journals are transferred in batch mode rather than individually.

FinancialForce Case Field: We do not currently support FinancialForce cases - for possible future use. 

FinancialForce Invoice with Journals:  When this option is checked, FinancialForce Invoicing will be done using Journals rather than Sales Invoices. This option can only be checked when the Financial Force Interface is active.

FinancialForce Project Id Field:  This value defines the Project ID field used in Financial Force when the Financial Force Project ID option is active. It serves as the name of the Project ID value, similar to a Financial Force Dimension value.


System Custom Configuration

System Configuration (SYCONFIG)

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