This article explains how to create a Template Master Services Agreement (MSA) Clause for the MSA Template. The user can make the Clause deletable and the Clause content editable when it is used on the Customer MSA.
Lightning: App Launcher > Template MSA Clause.
Classic: All Tabs > Template MSA Clause.
Master Services Agreement record must exist.
To add a new record, select the ‘Template MSA Clause’ button
To edit an existing record, select ‘Edit’ in the Action column
To view, select the Name in the ‘Name’ Column
Sales Division: The Sales Division for which this Master Services Agreement Clause applies.
Master Services Agreement: The Master Services Agreement that this Clause is associated with.
MSA Sequence: Sequence # drives the order in which MSA Clauses are presented. The sequence can be auto-set or set when adding clauses. Once set, they can't be changed (without deleting & re-adding). Suggest sequences of 10, 20, 30, etc. so there is room to insert additional Clauses.
Clause Title: Required field, user-defined alphanumeric value up to 50 characters in length.
Clause Description: Optional field, user-defined alphanumeric value up to 100 characters in length.
Current Revision: System assigned Revision. Revision is initialized to 1 on create and incremented as MSA Clause records are modified.
Clause Content: Required user-defined field, containing the textual content for this Clause.
Current Revision Date: The date of the latest Revision.
Clause Content can be Edited: When checked, allows the editing of this Clause Content after being used on a Customer MSA.
Clause can be Deleted: When checked, indicates that the Clause can be deleted (from a Customer MSA) after being used on a Customer MSA.
Deleted: When checked, indicates that this Clause has been flagged as deleted and cannot be used going forward.