
Work Order Component Allocations

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Allocation is the function that reserves component items to a specific Work Order prior to being issued to the Work Order.

The Division Master indicator, ‘Allocation Active’, enables the allocation function when checked. In a Multi Division Company, different Divisions may require different divisional settings to enable or not enable various Work Order functions. When the Indicator is unchecked, the allocation function is not active in the division.


The Allocation Policy checkbox must be enabled on the item’s Commodity Code and Inventory Item Master. 

The item must be located in a stock location that is designated as available for picking. 

To allocate component items prior to issuing them to the Work Order, the Allocate button on the Work Order must be selected.


System Configuration (SYCONFIG):  ‘System Setup’ Menu

User-added image  NOTE  This must be set by Rootstock.

Set ‘Allocations’ to checked (TRUE)

Division Master (SYDIV):  ‘System Setup’ Menu

Set ‘Allocation Active’ (Under ‘Advanced Settings’ tab) to checked (TRUE)

Inventory Commodity Code (ICCOMCOD):  ‘System Setup’ Menu

Set ‘Allocation Policy’ (under the Miscellaneous tab) to checked (TRUE) on those Commodity Codes used on items you wish to allocate.

 User-added image  NOTE  This setting controls the allocation of Work Order Components for a given Work Order.

Inventory Item Master (ICITEM):  ‘Inventory Management’ Menu

Set ‘Allocation Policy Indicator’ (under ‘Misc CC Overrides’ tab) to checked (TRUE) in order to use the setting on the Commodity Code associated with the given Inventory Item.
If the Commodity Code is not set to use Allocations, you can override the setting on individual Inventory Item Master records as desired.
To do so, uncheck the ‘Allocation Policy Indicator’ (under the Misc CC Override tab) and check the “override” checkbox to the right of it. Conversely, if the Commodity Code’s ‘Allocation Policy’ is checked and you wish to not allocate a given item using that Commodity Code, use the same “override” process.

User-added image  NOTE  This setting controls the allocation of Work Order Components for a given Work Order.


Work Order Component Demand Allocation

  1.  Once components have been extracted (or manually added) to a given Work Order, the Work Order Status is at 2. When using allocations, an  Allocate button appears at the top of the Work Order Header.

  2. Click on the Allocate button to allocate any qualifying inventory (non-allocated inventory in the Division, under the Work Order  Project, in the Work Order Site and resides in an On-Hand inventory location).

  3. Once allocated, the Work Order  Status will change to 4-Ready for activity.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  When the allocation function is not active in the division, the Allocate button will not be visible in the UI. So, the user can manually update the status from '2-Firm' to '4-Ready for activity'.

  1. To de-allocate inventory (in order to delete Work Order or in order to allocate inventory to a different order), click on the Deallocate button.

  2. Once inventory has been allocated, when Generate Pick List is clicked on, Picklist Records will be created for those items that have been allocated (as well as those that are not under “Allocation Control”).

  3. Once Picklist Records are generated, a Picklist can be printed, and components can then be issued to the Work Order.

User-added image  NOTE  If additional inventory becomes available after the initial allocation, click on the Allocate button again and the additional inventory will then be allocated also.

User-added image  NOTE  If inventory is not issued (that otherwise should be) in the Work Order Issue process, check to see if the inventory has been allocated for the given component.


Work Order Overview
Work Order Component Detail
Work Order Header Information

Work Order Component Allocations

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