
PO-AP Match Workbench - Lightning

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PO-AP Match Workbench is the

  • Lightning version of the PO-AP Match function in Classic.

  • Enhanced version of existing Lightning PO-AP Match.

Benefits of PO-AP Match Workbench over existing Lightning PO-AP Match page:

  • This page displays the information more logically, allowing users to access what they need more easily.

  • The processing of this page is in a flow: Batch, Invoice Header info, Vendor info, Search info, and matching data. This helps reduce the number of clicks/keystrokes, making data entry more efficient.

  • This page clearly outlines what Invoices are in the Batch and the related Invoice details.
Use the Lighting POAP Headers Workbench:  Must be checked to use this lightning PO-AP Match Workbench to perform PO-AP Match.


App Launcher > Purchasing App > POAP Headers tab


From the List View:
  • Select the New button in the list view to add a new POAP Match Batch Header.

  • From the action dropdown, select:

    • Edit:  To edit an existing POAP Match Batch Header record.

    • Delete:  Delete the POAP Match Batch Header record.

    • Change Owner:  Change the owner of the record to a different Manufacturing User.

Header Section


Batch Number:  This system-generated current Batch # is derived by adding one to the 'Last AP Batch Number' on the AP-PO Control record.

Status:  This displays the status of the Batch. Values are: 'Open' or 'Closed' or 'Transferred'. If the Batch is 'Open', then corrections can be applied. If the Batch is 'Closed'/'Transferred', then corrections cannot be applied.

IMPORTANT image.png  IMPORTANT  The status 'Closed' is not available on the PO-AP Match Batch when processing in the classic PO-AP Match page. Instead, when a PO-AP Match Batch is closed, its status changes to 'Transferred'. And when the PO-AP Match Batch is reopened, the status will be changed to 'Open'.

Company:  This field is reference-only, displaying the Rootstock Company in which the selected 'Buying Division' resides. The field is a 'Link' that can be clicked to navigate to the Company record.

Buying Division:  This field is reference-only and displays the user's Current Division.

Home Currency:  This is the Currency of the Company.


New Invoice:  Click this button to create a new PO-AP Match Invoice within this PO-AP Match Batch.

New Batch:  Click this button to create a new PO-AP Match Batch.

Close Batch:  Click this button to close the open PO-AP Match Batch. The status of the Batch and the corresponding Invoice(s) will be changed to 'Closed'.

note25 (1).png  NOTE  This button is visible when the status of the Batch is 'Open'.

IMPORTANT image.png  IMPORTANT  The user can close a PO-AP Match Batch if all the corresponding Invoices are in a 'Matched' or 'Closed' status.

Close & Transfer Batch:  Click this button to close and transfer the open PO-AP Match Batch. The status of the Batch and the corresponding Invoice(s) will be changed to 'Transferred'.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  This button is visible when the status of the Batch is 'Open'.

IMPORTANT image.png  IMPORTANT  The user can close and transfer a PO-AP Match Batch if all the corresponding Invoices are in a 'Matched' or 'Closed' status.

Transfer Batch:  Click this button to transfer the closed PO-AP Match Batch. The status of the Batch and the corresponding Invoice(s) will be changed to 'Transferred'.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  This button is visible when the status of the Batch is 'Closed'.


  • When a PO-AP Match Batch is transferred, the system creates Payable Sessions differently based on the flag 'Multiple Transactions per Session' on AP Control as follows:
    • If the flag is checked, the system creates a single Payable Session for all the corresponding Invoices.
    • If the flag is unchecked, the system created a Payable Session for each Invoice.
  • When the flag 'Transfer from PO-AP Match as Posted' is checked on PO-AP Control, the created Payable Session(s) will be posted.

Reverse Transfer:  Click this button to reverse the transferred PO-AP Match Batch. The status of the Batch will be changed to 'Open' and on the corresponding Invoice(s) it will be changed to 'Closed'. And the user need to reopen individual Invoice if needed.


important25.png  IMPORTANT  When this lightning PO-AP Match Workbench is disabled in the org by unchecking the flag 'Use the Lighting POAP Headers Workbench' in System Defaults, the system will not allow the reverse transfer of the PO-AP match batches (Invoices with 'PO-AP Match Invoice Distribution' record) created using this workbench.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  This button is visible when (1) the status of the Batch is 'Transferred' AND (2) the flag 'Prevent Delete of Payable Transactions' is unchecked on AP Control AND (3) the flag 'Transfer from PO-AP Match as Posted' is unchecked on PO-AP Control.

IMPORTANT image.png  IMPORTANT  When a transferred PO-AP Match Batch is reversed, the system deletes the Payable Session(s) created for the corresponding Invoices.

IMPORTANT image.png  IMPORTANT  The user cannot reverse a transferred PO-AP Match Batch, if at least one Payable Session associated with the corresponding Invoice(s) is posted.

Reopen Batch:  Click this button to reopen this PO-AP Match Batch.

note25 (1).png  NOTE  This button will not appear if the 'Status' of the Batch is 'Open' and the 'Financial System Interface' in the System Configuration is set to 'FinancialForce' or 'Accounting Seed'.

Change Company/Division:  Click this button to change the current Company and/or the Division of the user.

note25 (1).png  NOTE  This does not change the Company/Division on the current PO-AP Match Batch.

Batch Invoices tab

This tab displays the Invoices, Invoice Lines, and Invoice Distributions that belong to this POAP Match Batch Header.

Invoices grid


Edit/Match Lines:  After selecting an Invoice having the status 'Open' or 'Partially Matched' or 'Matched', click this button to open that invoice in the Matching tab for editing.

Close:  Click this button to close a fully matched Invoice (i.e., Invoice with status 'Matched').

Reopen:  Click this button to reopen a closed Invoice (i.e., Invoice with status 'Closed').

NOTE image.png  NOTE  The Edit/Match Lines, Close and Reopen buttons are visible when the status of the Batch is 'Open'.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  The user can delete the selected Invoice using the Grid button image.png, when that Invoice has a status other than 'Transferred' and the status of the Batch is 'Open'.


Status:  This is the status of the created Payables Invoice. Values are:

  • Open - The Invoice has not been matched against any Transactions.

  • Partially Matched - The Invoice has been matched, but there exists an unapplied balance.

  • Matched - The Invoice has been fully matched (no remaining balance).

  • Closed - The Invoice has been closed, and no further edits are allowed.

  • Transferred - The Invoice has been transferred to AP.

Invoice:  This displays the link of this Payable Invoice.

Invoice Date:  This is the date that the Invoice was created.

Due Date:  This is the Due Date for the Invoice.

Invoice Amount:  This is the amount on this Invoice Header.

Lines Net Value:  This is the sum of the Net amount across the Invoice Lines associated with this Invoice Header.

VAT Added:  This is the sum of the VAT amount across the Invoice Lines associated with this Invoice Header.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  The fields 'Lines Net Value' and 'VAT Added' are visible when the flag 'VAT Active' is checked on the corresponding Company Master record.

Matched Amount:  This is the sum of the 'Lines Net Value' and 'VAT Added' on this Invoice Header.

Currency:  This is the Currency of the Vendor used in this Invoice.

Exchange Rate:  This is the Currency Exchange Rate at the time of Invoice creation.

Payment Terms:  These are the Terms for this Invoice.

PO:  This is set to the PO Number of the matched record.

PO Receipt:  This is set to the PO Receipt Number of the matched record.

Project:  This is the Project associated with this Invoice.

Financial System Payables Invoice:  This is the Payables Invoice generated in the Financial systems for this Invoice that Rootstock interfaces with.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  This field is only visible when the status of the Batch is 'Closed'.

Invoice Lines grid

When an Invoice is selected in the Invoice grid, this displays the Invoice Lines belonging to the chosen Invoice(s).

NOTE image.png  NOTE  When the selected Invoice is not closed, the user can add new Invoice Lines, or delete existing Invoice Lines using the Grid buttons image.png and image.png respectively. Also, certain fields in the Invoice Lines are editable when the selected Invoice is not yet closed.


Invoice:  This is the Invoice Header number in which this Invoice Line record is included.

Line Description:  This is the description of this Invoice Line.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  The Description can be edited on Additional Invoice Lines.

AP Qty:  This is the quantity of this Invoice Line per the Vendor's Invoice.

AP Unit Price:  This is the unit price of this Invoice Line per the Vendor's Invoice.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  The fields 'AP Qty' and 'AP Unit Price' are editable on the Receipt Lines.

Net Value: The Net Value of this Invoice Line in the transaction Currency.

VAT Class:  This is the VAT Class associated with this Invoice Line.

VAT Added:  This is the VAT Amount for this Invoice Line.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  The fields 'VAT Class' and 'VAT Added' are visible when the flag 'VAT Active' is checked on the corresponding Company Master record.

Line Total:  This is the sum of the 'Net Value' and 'VAT Added' on this Invoice Line.

Vendor Currency:  This is the Currency of the Vendor used in this Invoice Line.

PO Receipt Transaction:  The PO Receipt that spawned this Payables record.

GL Account:  This is the Sub-Ledger Account associated with the Invoice Line.

IMPORTANT image.png  IMPORTANT  This Account can be changed on the Additional Invoice Lines when the field 'Accrued AP Account Override' on the associated Company Master is set as True.

Project:  This is the Project associated with this Invoice Line.

Dim 1 (Source) to Dim 8 (Source):  The Dimension values are auto-populated by the system.

IMPORTANT image.png  IMPORTANT  These Dimensions fields can be changed on the Additional Invoice Lines when the field 'Accrued AP Account Override' on the associated Company Master is set as True.

Distributions grid

When an Invoice is selected in the Invoice grid, this displays the Invoice Distributions belonging to the chosen Invoice(s).

NOTE image.png  NOTE  This is a read-only grid.



Invoice Line:  This is the Invoice Line associated with this Invoice Distribution record.

Description:  This is the description of this Invoice Distribution.

GL Account:  This is the Sub-Ledger Account associated with this Invoice Distribution.

Net Value (Vendor):  The Net Value of this Invoice Distribution in the transaction Currency.

Currency (Vendor):  This is the Currency of the Vendor used in the Invoice Line associated with this Invoice Distribution.

Net Value (Home):  The Net Value of this Invoice Distribution in Home Currency.

Transaction Type:  This is the type of this Invoice Distribution. Values are:

  • PO Receipt

  • Manual Entry

  • Tax

  • PO Price Variance

  • PO Qty Variance

  • Exchange Rate Variance

  • Bank Charge

Project:  This is the Project on the Invoice Line associated with this Invoice Distribution.

Dim 1 (Source) to Dim 8 (Source):  These are the Dimension Values on the Invoice Line associated with this Invoice Distribution.

Debit / Credit:  This indicates whether this Invoice Distribution is 'Debit' or 'Credit'.

Matching tab

This tab is used to search and select the PO Receipts to be matched in this PO-AP Match Batch.

Invoice Details Section

This section contains fields for user input from the Vendor's Invoice. This information will be used to auto-create the appropriate PO-AP Match Invoice in the Accounting System. This data must be provided before selecting any Purchase Order Receipt Line(s).


Add to Existing Invoice:  When checked, the selected PO Receipt will be added to an existing PO-AP Match Invoice.

Invoice:  If 'Add to Existing Invoice' is checked, the user needs to select the PO-AP Match Invoice from this drop-down field. Otherwise, enter the Invoice Number supplied by the Vendor on their document.

Vendor:  If the user selects an existing Invoice, this is read-only and defaults to the Vendor associated with the selected Invoice. Else, the user needs to select a Vendor for the new Invoice. This is a “Lookup” to the Rootstock Vendor Master. Simply start typing the Vendor Name into the search field & the system will automatically filter through the available Vendors until it locates the desired value.

Invoice Date:  If the user selects an existing Invoice, this is read-only and defaults to the 'Invoice Date' specified in the selected PO-AP Match Invoice. Otherwise, enter the Date on the Invoice supplied by the Vendor on their document.

Total Amount:  If the user selects an existing Invoice, this is read-only and defaults to the 'Total Invoice Amount (New)' specified in the selected PO-AP Match Invoice. Else, enter the Invoice Total as supplied by the Vendor on their document (including Purchase Order Receipt Lines, Freight, Tax, etc.).

Currency (Vendor):  This displays the Currency associated with the Vendor.

Description:  If the user selects an existing Invoice, this defaults to the 'Invoice Description' specified in the selected PO-AP Match Invoice but can be overridden. Otherwise, the user can enter the description.

Vendor Details Section

When the Vendor is selected in the Invoice Details section, the system will retrieve all the Vendor information set on the Vendor Master (Terms, Due Date, Addresses, Contact Information, etc.) & populate that information in this section.


Vendor:  This displays the link to the Vendor selected in the Invoice Details section.

Terms:  The user can override the default value with pre-defined values (established on the Credit Terms object).

Due Date:  This will automatically recalculate to the proper Due Date when the Terms are changed; however, the user can manually change it by simply overriding the Date in this field.

Pay Type:  This defaults to the 'Pay Type' specified in the associated Vendor Company. Picklist field with values Check, EFT, Bank Card, Cash. When defined, it will be used to set the Pay Type on the resulting Payable Transaction.

EFT Sub Type:  Select the EFT Sub Type when the 'Pay Type' is set to EFT.

Bank Accounts:  Select the Bank Account when  'Pay Type' is set to Bank Card.

Posting Period:  System calculated Posting Period based on the Invoice Date and current open Year/Period.

Address:  Displays the vendor address associated with the selected vendor.

Contact:   Displays the vendor contact associated with the selected vendor.

Withholding Tax:  If checked, it represents that Withholding Tax is applicable. 

Withholding Tax Class:  When the above 'Withholding Tax' is checked, the picklist shows the available WHT Tax Class.

Search Receipts Section

This section is used to filter and retrieve unmatched Purchase Order Receipts (e.g., by Vendor, PO Number, Packing Slip, PO Receipt Number, and Receipt Date range).


Vendor:  This displays the link to the Vendor selected in the Invoice Details section. 

Purchase Order:  This field will allow the user to select a specific Purchase Order from the chosen Vendor. If this field is blank, the system will retrieve all unmatched Purchase Order Receipts across multiple Purchase Orders.

Packing Slip Number:  This field will allow the user to select a specific Packing Slip Number from the chosen Vendor.

PO Receipt Number:  This field will allow the user to select a specific PO Receipt Number from the chosen Vendor.

Receipt Date From:  This allows users to specify a back date for retrieving unmatched Purchase Order Receipts. The value entered in this field determines how far back to select unmatched Purchase Order Receipts during the PO-AP Match process.

Receipt Date To:  This allows users to specify an end date for retrieving unmatched Purchase Order Receipts. The value entered in this field determines when to select unmatched Purchase Order Receipts during the PO-AP Match process.


Search:  After selecting the search criteria, click this button to search for unmatched Purchase Order Receipts.

Reset:  Click this button to reset the search criteria.

Receipt Lines Section

The value of these fields will be updated in real-time based on the selected Receipts and Additional Invoice Lines.

Lines Amount:  This displays the total sum of the 'Receipt Amount' across the selected PO Receipts and the 'Amount' on the Additional Invoice Lines.

VAT Added Amount:  This displays the total sum of the VAT Amount across the selected PO Receipts and the Additional Invoice Lines.

Calculated Invoice Amount:  This displays the total sum of the Invoice Amount calculated from the selected PO Receipts.

Amount Remaining:  This is the difference between the (Calculated Invoices Amount + Invoice Lines) - Invoice Total Amount (on Invoice Header).

NOTE image.png  NOTE  The VAT Added Amount will be included in the Amount Remaining calculation when the field 'VAT Recognition Option' is set to 'Upon Invoice' or 'Upon Payment' on the System Defaults record.

Receipt Lines grid:

Grid Button

Split Receipts:  Click this button to split the selected PO Receipt(s) from this grid. This is used when the user needs to perform PO-AP Match for a partial quantity or partial amount on the PO Receipt and wants to leave the remaining quantity or amount for a future match.

When user selects PO Receipt(s) and clicks this button, the system displays a pop-up with the below fields.


Receipt:  This is the system-assigned Purchase Order Receipt Number.

Packing Slip:  Vendor supplied Packing Slip Number entered during Receipt.

Item Number:  The Purchase Item Master record for the Purchase Item received.

Original Qty:  This is the quantity received on the PO Receipt.

UOM:  The purchasing Unit of Measure for the item on the Purchase Order Line.

Split Qty:  (Editable) The quantity to be split from the selected PO Receipt. The system creates a new PO Receipt with this split quantity.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  This quantity must be greater than zero and less than the Receipt Quantity ('Quantity Complete' - 'Quantity RTV') on the selected PO Receipt.

IMPORTANT image.png  IMPORTANT  This 'Split Qty' is applicable when the PO Receipt includes a PO Item of 'Service Type' other than 'Dollar Amount'.

Updated Qty:  When the user enters 'Split Qty', this displays the remaining quantity to be left on the PO Receipt.

Original Amt:  This is the total receipt amount on the PO Receipt.

Split Amt:  (Editable) The amount to be split from the selected PO Receipt. The system creates a new PO Receipt with this split amount.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  This amount must be greater than zero and less than the Receipt Amount ('Amount Complete') on the selected PO Receipt.

IMPORTANT image.png  IMPORTANT  This 'Split Qty' is applicable when the PO Receipt includes a PO Item having 'Service Type' as 'Dollar Amount'.

Updated Amt:  When the user enters 'Split Amt', this displays the remaining amount to be left on the PO Receipt.

After specifying either 'Split Qty' or 'Split Amt', click the Split button to create new PO Receipt(s) or click Cancel to cancel the split.  

Grid Fields

PO Line:  This is the PO Line Number associated with the PO Receipt.

PO Date:  This is the Purchase Order created Date.

Receipt Date:  This is the date of the PO Receipt.

Item Number:  The Purchase Item Master record for the Purchase Item received.

Packing Slip Number:  Vendor supplied Packing Slip Number entered during Receipt.

PO Receipt Number:  This is the system-assigned Purchase Order Receipt Number.

Receipt Qty:  This is the quantity received on the PO Receipt.

Purchasing UOM:  The purchasing Unit of Measure for the item on the Purchase Order Line.

Receipt Unit Price:  This is the Unit Price on the PO Receipt.

Receipt Amount:  This is the total receipt amount on the PO Receipt.

AP Qty:  This is the Quantity on the A/P Invoice.

AP Unit Price:  This is the A/P Invoice Unit Price.

AP Amount:  This is the Amount to be paid.

note25 (1).png  NOTE  The user can provide values for 'AP Quantity', 'AP Unit Price', and 'AP Amount'. The system is designed to automatically calculate the 'AP Amount' based on the 'AP Unit Price' and vice versa, thereby establishing the payment value for this Purchase Order Receipt Line to the vendor. These values can either be manually entered by the user or auto-populated by the system from the PO Receipt.

VAT Class:  This is the VAT Class associated with the PO Receipt.

VAT Added:  This is the VAT amount for the PO Receipt. When 'VAT Class' is changed, this field value will be updated based on the selected VAT Class.

Additional Invoice Lines Section

This section allows the user to include additional charges to the Payable Invoice transaction (such as tax, freight, etc.) that appear on the Vendors Invoice but are not associated with Purchase Order Receipts.

The value of these fields will be updated in real-time based on the selected Receipts and Additional Invoice Lines.

Lines Amount:  This displays the total sum of the 'Receipt Amount' across the selected PO Receipts and the 'Amount' on the Additional Invoice Lines.

VAT Added Amount:  This displays the total sum of the VAT Amount across the selected PO Receipts and the Additional Invoice Lines.

Calculated Invoice Amount:  This displays the total sum of the Invoice Amount calculated from the selected PO Receipts.

Amount Remaining:  This is the difference between the (Calculated Invoices Amount + Invoice Lines) - Invoice Total Amount (on Invoice Header).

NOTE image.png  NOTE  The VAT Added Amount will be included in the Amount Remaining calculation when the field 'VAT Recognition Option' is set to 'Upon Invoice' or 'Upon Payment' on the System Defaults record.

Additional Invoice Lines grid


Amount:  Amount of the Invoice Line.

GL Account:  Account for the amount.

important25.png  IMPORTANT  This Account field will be enabled, and the default account can be changed when the field 'Accrued AP Account Override' on the associated Company Master is set as True.

Description:  Description of the Invoice Line. Defaults to the Description of the selected GL Account, but can be overridden.

VAT Class:  VAT class that is associated with the line. It is used for calculating the VAT amount.

VAT added to Amount:  The VAT amount to be added to the corresponding Invoice Line amount. If PO Price Excludes VAT is checked on the corresponding VAT class, then the VAT Added To Amount is calculated; otherwise, it will be zero.

VAT Included in Amount:  The included VAT amount is displayed. If PO Price Excludes VAT is unchecked on the corresponding VAT class, then the VAT Included in Amount is calculated; otherwise, it will be zero.

Project:  This field details the project associated with this Invoice Line.

Project Charge Code:  This field details the Project Charge (Job) Code associated with this Invoice Line.

Dim 1 (Source) to Dim 8 (Source):  Values auto-populate from the system & can be overridden.

important25.png  IMPORTANT  These Dimensions fields will be enabled, and their default values can be changed when the field 'Accrued AP Account Override' on the associated Company Master is set as True.


Cancel:  Click this button to reset all the changes made without saving the Invoice.

Save and Close:  Click this button to save and close the PO-AP Match Invoice.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  This Save and Close Invoice button is visible when the 'Amount Remaining' is zero.

Save:  Click this button to Save the changes made in the Invoice.

After saving it, the PO-AP Match Invoice will be created, and the system will redirect the user to the Batch Invoices Tab.


PO-AP Match
PO Receipt Transactions
PO-AP Match Invoice
Purchasing Overview

PO-AP Match Workbench - Lightning

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