This article provides an overview of the Fiscal Period closing process and explains some related aspects of the system.
The Period-end closing process is also the Financial Year-end closing process. From a user's perspective, with one exception (see Reopening a closed Year, below), there is no procedural difference between closing a Period or a whole Fiscal Year; when the last period (Period 12) of the Fiscal Year is closed, the Fiscal Year is closed.
IMPORTANT The user who performs this function must be authorized for the Company being closed and all its parents, if any. This authorization is performed on the Financial System User Company page.
Fiscal Year
The Fiscal Year object contains the definition of each Year's accounting calendar, including:
Closed to AP postings and Closed to AR postings. These are optional checkboxes. If checked for a Period, they prevent AP and AR transactions from being posted to the Period. Closed to Postings (next) will also prevent this. Closed to AP postings and Closed to AR postings allow the AP and/or the AR to be closed while allowing other postings to continue.
Closed to Postings is a checkbox that blocks all postings to the Period from all sources other than Journal Entries, UFX, and Fixed Assets. Closed to Postings is set (and unset) in the Process Initial Closing step (see below).
Closed for Adjustments is a checkbox that blocks all postings to the Period, including postings from Journal Entries, UFX, and Fixed Assets. It can only be checked if Closed to Postings has been previously checked. Once it is checked, the Period is closed. Closed for Adjustments is set in the Complete Financial Period Close step (see below). Closed for Adjustments is unset in the Reopen Financial Period step (see below).
Permuted Version of GL Account Year object
This object contains all the financial and Budget data used by the Financial Report Writer for consolidated and unconsolidated reports.
Closing Profile object
The Closing Profile contains information about the progress of the close:
The Company's calculated earnings for the current period.
If the Company is participating in a multicurrency consolidation:
Other data that enforces the correct order of closing activities.
One Closing Profile is created for:
Period Close Activities > Period Close
Header Section
Company: This displays the user’s current Financial Company.
Fiscal Year: This drop-down field displays the Fiscal Years of the Company.
Period: This drop-down field displays the currently open Fiscal Periods of the selected Fiscal Year.
Process Initial Closing: When checked, this closes the Period to all postings except Journal Entries, UFX, and Fixed Assets.
Initialize Financial Period Close: When checked, this creates Closing Profile(s) (GLCLOSE records).
Perform Financial Data Rollup: When checked, this performs the Financial Report Data Roll-up with the 'Company' as both the Subsidiary Company and the Reporting Company.
Perform Financial Data Rollup to Parent Company: When checked, this performs the Financial Report Data Roll-up with the 'Company' as the Subsidiary Company and the associated Parent Company as the Reporting Company. And the Roll-up is also run for the Grand Parent Company (if it exists) as the Reporting Company.
Initialize GL Transaction Parent Company Values: When checked, this performs the Update GL Transaction Consolidated Values function with the 'Company' as the Subsidiary Company and the associated Parent Company as the Reporting Company. And also run for the Grand Parent Company (if it exists) as the Reporting Company.
NOTE When the Period is selected and (1) the selected company is standalone, by default, the system will enable and check these checkboxes 'Process Initial Closing', 'Initialize Financial Period Close', 'Perform Financial Data Rollup'. (or) (2) if the selected company has any parent, by default system will enable and check all the following checkboxes 'Process Initial Closing', 'Initialize Financial Period Close', 'Perform Financial Data Rollup', 'Perform Financial Data Rollup to Parent Company', 'Initialize GL Transaction Parent Company Values'.
Complete Financial Period Close: When checked, the system will show a warning and ask for confirmation to close the period, and if approved, this completes closing the selected Period. If it's Period 12, the Fiscal Year will be closed.
Reopen Financial Period: When checked, the system will show a warning and ask for confirmation to reopen the period, and if approved, this reopens the selected Period that is closed. When this process is executed for a Period, the Period's 'Closed for Adjustments' flag is unchecked in the Fiscal Year object.
Show Unposted Transactions: Click this button to view the unposted 'Journal Entries', 'Accounts Payable Transactions', 'Accounts Receivable Transactions', 'Cash Receipt Transactions', 'AP Payment Transactions' for the selected 'Fiscal Year' and 'Period'. This opens a pop-up with the below tabs to display the unposted transactions:
Journal Entries tab: This tab displays the unposted Journal Entries records (GLJH) that belong to the selected 'Company', 'Fiscal Year', and 'Period'.
Accounts Payable Transactions tab: This tab displays the unposted Payable Session records (APINVH) that belong to the selected 'Company', 'Fiscal Year', and 'Period'.
Accounts Receivable Transactions tab: This tab displays the unposted Receivable Session records (ARINVH) that belong to the selected 'Company', 'Fiscal Year', and 'Period'.
Cash Receipt Transactions tab: This tab displays the unposted Cash Receipts records (ARCASHH) that belong to the selected 'Company', 'Fiscal Year', and 'Period'.
AP Payment Transactions tab: This tab displays the unposted Payment Selection records (PAYSESSION) that belong to the selected 'Company', 'Fiscal Year', and 'Period'.
Deposit Transactions tab: This tab displays the unposted Deposit Entries records (DEPOSIT) that belong to the selected 'Company', 'Fiscal Year', and 'Period'.
UFX Run: Click this button to open the UFX Run page and run the UFX for the company. After the run, the ‘UFX Posted for Period’ is checked in the corresponding GLCLOSE record.
NOTE This button is visible when the flag 'Multi Currency Indicator' is checked on the 'Company' record.
Perform Selected Processes: Click this button to process the Period Close/reopen based on the values specified in the Header Section.
Closing Profiles Grid (GLCLOSE records)
When the 'Fiscal Year' is selected in the Header Section, the GLCLOSE records associated with that Year and Period (if any) will be displayed with the details for the fields 'Financial Period Close', 'Fiscal Year', 'Reporting Company', 'Currency' (Currency of the Reporting Company), 'Subsidiary Company', 'Currency' (Currency of the Subsidiary Company), 'Subsidiary Company Period', 'Rollup Needed', 'Parent Values on GL Transactions Updated', and 'UFX Posted for Period'.
Initial currency-related steps for Companies involved in multicurrency consolidations
These initial steps apply only to Companies that are subsidiaries of parent companies that use reporting currencies other than that of the Company being closed. If, for example, the Company being closed is a Canadian Company owned by a British Company that, in turn, is owned by a German Company, the Canadian Company's accounts must be translated from Canadian dollars into British pounds and euros.
The Balance Sheet Rate is set up in the Foreign Exchange Rate Schedule object using a Schedule Type of Month End Spot Rate.
The P & L rate is automatically calculated in the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up function as the weighted average of the actual historical rates for the Year and, so long as the Foreign Exchange Rate Schedule object is up to date, does not require any special attention from the user.
If the Company uses the Financial Budget feature in Rootstock and its parent company wants to see its Budget data translated in consolidated reports, then the rates to be used for translation will also be set up in the Foreign Exchange Rate Schedule object using a Schedule Type of Budget Rate.
Finally, circumstances may require a particular General Ledger account to be translated at a historical rate that is unique to that account. Such rates are set up using the GL Historical Rate function.
Initial steps for all Companies
In the Period Close page,
Company - Select the Company
Fiscal Year - Select the Fiscal Year
Period - If the selected Fiscal Year is not already closed. Select the Period to be closed. Else, if the selected Fiscal Year is already closed and if Period One of the next Fiscal Year is Open for Adjustments, no Periods will be shown as available for closing.
Period closing steps
Below are the steps for closing a Period:
Process Initial Closing: When the user checks this flag, the selected Period's 'Closed to AP Postings' 'Closed to AR Postings' and 'Closed to Postings' flags are checked in the Fiscal Year object. If the Period is already closed to postings and the 'Process Initial Closing' is checked again, the system will show a warning and ask for confirmation to reopen the period and if approved, the Period is reopened to postings. Any Closing Profiles created in a previous Step 2 (Initialize Financial Period Close) are deleted. And the 'Closed to Postings' flag is unchecked in the Fiscal Year object.
Initialize Financial Period Close: When the user checks this flag, this initializes the Closing Profile (see above in Terminology). One Closing Profile is created for the Company being closed, and if that Company has one or more Parent Companies, additional Closing Profiles are created for each higher-level Parent Company.
If the '
Entry Exists In Multiple Currencies' is true on the created Period Closing Profile, the user can override the calculated Budget Exchange Rate, Balance Sheet Rate, and/or the P & L Rate. After overriding these rates, the
Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process must be run again to recalculate the translated amounts with overridden rates.
Override Budget Exchange Rate: The Budget Exchange Rate can be overridden by setting the field 'Budget Exchange Rate Is Overridden' value to true. When it is set to true, the field 'Override Budget Exchange Rate' is enabled for the user to enter the overridden rate, and the system will automatically update the 'Budget Exchange Rate Overridden On' and 'Budget Exchange Rate Overridden By' values.
The user can optionally set the 'Budget Exchange Rate Equals GL Rate' value to true. Doing this doesn't affect the budget rates, calculated or overridden, as they are displayed. However, the rates used to translate budget records will be the regular GL balance sheet and P & L rates, whether these are calculated or overridden.
NOTE The field 'Budget Exchange Rate Is Overridden' is enabled only if the field 'Subsidiary Has Budget Records' is true.
Override Balance Sheet Rate: The Balance Sheet Rate can be overridden by setting the field 'Balance Sheet Rate Overridden' value to true. When it is set to true, the field 'Balance Sheet Rate As Overridden' is enabled for the user to enter the overridden rate, and the system will automatically populate the 'Balance Sheet Rate Overridden On' and 'Balance Sheet Rate Overridden By' values.
Override P & L Rate: The P & L Rate can be overridden by setting the field 'P & L Rate Overridden' value to true. When it is set to true, the field 'P & L Rate As Overridden' is enabled for the user to enter the overridden rate, and the system will automatically populate the 'P & L Rate Overridden On' and 'P & L Rate Overridden By' values.
Perform Financial Data Rollup & Perform Financial Data Rollup to Parent Company: When the user checks these flags and clicks the Perform Selected Processes button, this will gather all the data required for financial reporting, which includes General Ledger (GL) data, budget data, and data from Adjusting Statement Entries and make it available to the Financial Report Writer. In a consolidated close (in which many Companies' data appears on a single Company's reports), this will require copying data from one Company to another. In a multicurrency consolidated close (in which the Companies being consolidated use more than one Reporting Currency), this will also require currency translation. Additionally, this process calculates each Company's current earnings for the month and, where currency translation occurs, their Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA) as well. After the rollup is done, the 'Rollup Needed' checkbox on the GLCLOSE record will be unchecked.
NOTE During the period close, the system by default will include the Period 0 values in the Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA) calculation.
Financial Report Data Roll-up process will be run as mentioned in the
Three Levels of Complexity section below. If new Journal Entries are posted for the Period being closed or Budgets for the Period are changed after it has been run, the
Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process must be run again by checking the flags '
Perform Financial Data Rollup' & '
Perform Financial Data Rollup to Parent Company'. If the Company being closed is to have its accounts translated into one or more parent Company reporting currencies, the translation step is automatically performed during the
Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process. Users who wish to see the details of the weighted average P & L rate calculation and the Balance Sheet rate retrieval can use Salesforce Reports to examine the glpdexchrate object.
Initialize GL Transaction Parent Company Values: When the user checks this flag, this will execute the 'Update GL Transaction Consolidated Values' job to update the Subsidiary Company's GL Transactions with certain Parent/Grand Parent Company values. This flag is enabled only when the displayed Reporting Company is the Subsidiary Company's Parent Company.
IMPORTANT In an org, only one 'Update GL Transaction Consolidated Values' job can be executed simultaneously. Users can check the
System Configuration Financials record to determine whether the 'Update GL Transaction Consolidated Values' process is currently running or not. The record also provides information about the start time and end time of the process in GMT.
The system processes the 'Update GL Transaction Consolidated Values' job in two ways based on the custom setting 'GL_Transaction_XL'.
If 'GL_Transaction_XL' is False:
When the Initialize GL Transaction Parent Company Values flag is checked,
if the Subsidiary Company's Currency and Parent Company's Currency are different, the system will retrieve the Exchange Rate for each GL Account in the Subsidiary Company for this processing period and will update the Parent Company fields ('Credit Amount in Parent Company Currency', 'Debit Amount in Parent Company Currency', and 'Exchange Rate to Parent Company Currency') on the Subsidiary Company's GL Transactions. Also, the GL Transactions in the Subsidiary Company will be rolled up and the GL Transaction Summary records will be created in the Parent Company, and the amount will be calculated in the Parent Company's Currency. Then, the created GL Transaction Summary's will be updated in the field 'Parent Company GL Transaction Summary' on the corresponding Subsidiary Company's GL Transactions.
if the Subsidiary Company's Currency and the Parent Company's Currency are the same, the Subsidiary Company's GL Transactions will be rolled up and the Parent Company's GL Transaction Summary records will be created. Then, the created GL Transaction Summary's will be updated in the field 'Parent Company GL Transaction Summary' on the corresponding Subsidiary Company's GL Transactions.
NOTE When closing the Period 1 with 'Initialize GL Transaction Parent Company Values' flag checked, the system will also update the Exchange Rate on Period 0 GL Transactions from any of the below options:
Using the Exchange Rate on the GL Transaction belongs to period 12 of the prior year.
Using the Exchange Rate on the Foreign Exchange Rate Schedule (with Schedule Type 'Month End Spot Rate') for the period 12 of the prior year.
Using the Exchange Rate on Period 1 when there are no transactions done in the prior year.
If 'GL_Transaction_XL' is True:
When the Initialize GL Transaction Parent Company Values flag is checked, for each GL Transaction Summary in the Subsidiary Company, a GL Transaction Summary record will be created in the Parent Company, and the amount will be calculated in the Parent Company's Currency.
NOTE When the
Initialize GL Transaction Parent Company Values flag is selected (regardless of the '
GL_Transaction_XL' value), the '
Division', '
Project', and '
Dimension(s)' fields in the Parent/Grand Parent Company GL Transaction Summary records will be populated with the corresponding Parent/Grand Parent values of the '
Division', '
Project', and '
Dimension(s)' on the Subsidiary GL Transaction record(s).
NOTE If there is a variance in the amount (i.e., 0.01) between the Subsidiary and the Parent,
- When the custom setting 'GL_Transaction_XL' is False, the system creates a Rollup Related Adjusting GL Transaction (GLTZN) record of Source 'SUM2TXN' for the variance amount. Then it will be added to the respective Parent Company's GL Transaction Summary record.
- And if the custom setting is True, the system creates an additional GL Transaction Summary record in the Parent Company for the variance amount.
Complete Financial Period Close: When the user checks this flag, the system will show a warning and ask for confirmation to close the period, and if approved, this sets the Period's Closed for Adjustments flag (see above) to true on the Fiscal Year. (This is also known as a Hard Close.) At the Fiscal Year end, it also
Closed Period reopening Steps
To reopen a previously closed Period other than 12, follow the steps below:
Select the GLCLOSE record for the period you want to reopen from the Closing Profiles grid.
Check the 'Reopen Financial Period' flag and click the Perform Selected Processes button.
The system will show a warning and ask for confirmation to reopen the period, and if approved, this reopens the selected Period that is closed. When this process is executed for a Period, the Period's 'Closed for Adjustments' flag is unchecked in the Fiscal Year.
To reopen previously closed period 12 and year, follow the below steps:
Before reopening period 12, the 'All Periods Closed to Adjustments' flag on the Fiscal Year year must be unchecked manually.
Select the GLCLOSE record for the period 12 you want to reopen from the Closing Profiles grid.
Check the 'Reopen Financial Period' flag and click the Perform Selected Processes button.
The system will show a warning and ask for confirmation to reopen period 12, and if approved, this reopens the selected Period 12 and its year that is closed. When this process is executed for Period 12, the Period's 'Closed for Adjustments' flag is unchecked in the Fiscal Year.
Generally, when a fiscal year is closed, the year-end balances are written to Period 0 of the following year. When the Period 12 of a Year is reopened:
If the 'Reverse Period Zero when Reopening Year' flag on the Financial Company Master object is checked, the system automatically reverses all Period 0 postings in the following year. These reversed postings are replaced when Period 12 of that year is closed again.
Otherwise, if the 'Reverse Period Zero when Reopening Year' flag on the Financial Company Master object is not checked, the Period 0 postings in the following year are not reversed and replaced but are just adjusted when Period 12 of that year is closed again.
Three Levels of Complexity
There are three levels or degrees of complexity in closing Periods. The complexity of the operations performed by the closing process depends on (1) whether the Company being closed participates in an inter-company consolidation and (2), if it does, whether the consolidated financial reports require currency translation. Every Company falls into one of these three levels. For the most part, the degree of complexity is hidden from the user who performs the Period Close activities. It is explained here only so users will understand what the closing process is doing.
Standalone, non-consolidated Companies. One Company is closed and is not consolidated with any others. In this scenario, there is only one Financial Company in the Rootstock system or multiple Companies that do not consolidate. There are no consolidated Financial Reports because there is no consolidation.
Sample simple Company structure:
Company A is a standalone Company.
During Company A's Period close, when the user checks the flag 'Perform Financial Data Rollup', the Perform Financial Report Da ta Roll-up process is run only once, with Company A as both Parent and Subsidiary.
Medium complexity Structure:
Consolidated Companies that all share the same Reporting Currency. A Company's financial results will be combined with those of other companies, but all companies participating in the consolidation report their results in the same Currency. Therefore, no Currency translation is performed during the Period Close.
Sample medium-complex Company structure:
We will consider two reporting scenarios:
Reporting scenario 1: Consider Company C is the top-level parent. Company B is a subsidiary of Company C. Company A is a subsidiary of Company C:
Companies A and B will produce financial reports for themselves.
Company B will not produce reports that consolidate Companies A and B together.
Company C will produce financial reports and consolidated financial reports that combine all three Companies.
During the combined close, when the user checks both the flags 'Perform Financial Data Rollup' and 'Perform Financial Data Rollup to Parent Company', the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process will be run five times:
During Company A's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company A as both the parent and subsidiary companies.
During Company A's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company A as the subsidiary and Company C as the parent.
During Company B's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company B as both the parent and subsidiary companies.
During Company B's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company B as the subsidiary and Company C as the parent.
During Company C's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company C as both the parent and subsidiary companies.
Reporting scenario 2: Consider Company C as the top-level parent. Company B is a subsidiary of Company C. Company A is a subsidiary of Company B:
Companies A and B will produce financial reports for themselves.
Company B will also produce consolidated financial reports that combine Company A and Company B.
Company C will produce financial reports and consolidated financial reports that combine all three Companies.
During the combined close, when the user checks both the flags 'Perform Financial Data Rollup' and 'Perform Financial Data Rollup to Parent Company', the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process will be run six times:
During Company A's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company A as both the parent and subsidiary companies.
During Company A's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company A as the subsidiary and Company B as the parent.
During Company A's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company A as the subsidiary and Company C as the parent.
During Company B's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company B as both the parent and subsidiary companies.
During Company B's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company B as the subsidiary and Company C as the parent.
During Company C's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company C as both the parent and subsidiary companies.
In scenarios 1 and 2, we have only one Company at each level of consolidation. This is oversimplified. There can indeed be only one top-level parent (Company C), but Companies A1, A2, and A3 can all roll into Company B1, and Companies B1, B2, and B3 can all roll into Company C.
Most complex:
Consolidated Companies that work in different reporting currencies. A Company's financial results will be combined with those of other companies that use more than one Financial Reporting Currency. Each subsidiary being closed will translate its books of account into its parent Companies' Reporting Currency or Currencies. This is discussed further in Initial Currency-related steps for Companies involved in multicurrency consolidations and Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up, below.
Sample most complex Company structure:
We will consider two reporting scenarios:
Reporting scenario 1: Consider Company C is the top-level parent, it uses the Euro as its functional (home) currency. Company B is a subsidiary of Company C and uses the Canadian Dollar as its functional (home) currency. Company A is a subsidiary of Company C and uses the US Dollar as its functional (home) currency.
Company A will produce financial reports stated in USD (US Dollars).
Company B will produce financial reports for itself stated in CAD (Canadian Dollars). It will not produce reports that consolidate Companies A and B together; therefore, it is unnecessary to translate Company A's USD accounts into CAD.
Company C will produce financial and consolidated financial reports that combine all three Companies. These reports will all be stated in EUR (Euros). Therefore, Company A's USD and Company B's CAD accounts must be translated into EUR.
During the combined close, when the user checks both the flags 'Perform Financial Data Rollup' and 'Perform Financial Data Rollup to Parent Company', currency translation is performed during the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process, which in this scenario will be run five times:
During Company A's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company A as both the parent and subsidiary companies.
During Company A's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company A as the subsidiary and Company C as the parent. This will cause Company A's accounts to be translated into EUR.
During Company B's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company B as both the parent and subsidiary companies.
During Company B's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company B as the subsidiary and Company C as the parent. This will cause Company B's accounts to be translated into EUR.
During Company C's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company C as both the parent and subsidiary companies.
Reporting scenario 2: Consider Company C is the top-level parent; it uses the Euro as its functional (home) currency. Company B is a subsidiary of Company C and uses the Canadian Dollar as its functional (home) currency. Company A is a subsidiary of Company B and uses the US Dollar as its functional (home) currency.
Company A will produce financial reports stated in USD (US Dollars).
Company B will produce financial reports for itself stated in CAD (Canadian Dollars) and consolidated financial reports that combine Company A and Company B. These reports will be stated in CAD (Canadian Dollars). Therefore, Company A's USD accounts must be translated into CAD.
Company C will produce consolidated financial reports that combine all three companies. These reports will all be stated in EUR (euros). Therefore, Company A's USD and Company B's CAD accounts must be translated into EUR.
During the combined close, when the user checks both the flags 'Perform Financial Data Rollup' and 'Perform Financial Data Rollup to Parent Company', currency translation is performed during the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process, which in this scenario will be run six times:
During Company A's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company A as both the parent and subsidiary companies.
During Company A's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company A as the subsidiary and Company B as the parent. This will cause Company A's accounts to be translated into CAD.
During Company A's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company A as the subsidiary and Company C as the parent. This will cause Company A's accounts to be translated into EUR.
During Company B's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company B as both the parent and subsidiary companies.
During Company B's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company B as the subsidiary and Company C as the parent. This will cause Company B's accounts to be translated into EUR.
During Company C's close, the Perform Financial Report Data Roll-up process is run with Company C as both the parent and subsidiary companies.
In scenarios 1 and 2, we have only one Company at each level of consolidation. This is oversimplified. There can indeed be only one top-level parent (Company C), but Companies A1, A2, and A3 can all roll into Company B1, and Companies B1, B2, and B3 can all roll into Company C.
High-level sequence of closing and reopening
Periods must be closed in Year + Period sequence and reopened in the reverse of the order in which they were closed. Examples:
If Period 3 is open, Period 4 may not be closed.
If Periods 3 and 4 are closed, Period 3 may only be reopened if Period 4 is reopened first.
It makes little difference whether the Periods in question cross Fiscal Years:
If Period 12 of Year 1 is open, Period 1 of Year 2 may not be closed.
If Period 12 of Year 1 and Period 1 of Year 2 are closed, Period 12 of Year 1 may only be reopened if Period 1 of Year 2 is reopened first.
NOTE However, even if Period 1 of Year 2 is open, Period 12 of Year 1 may not be reopened until the All Periods Closed to Adjustments flag on the Fiscal Year object for the Year being reopened (which was checked automatically when the Year was last closed) is manually unchecked.
Financial Database Aspects of Period Close
In the financial database, various objects summarize General Ledger data by Period. The meaning of by Period is defined in the Fiscal Year object.
There are 12 user-defined Periods in a Fiscal Year (Periods 1 through 12). These are the Periods that are closed in the Period Close process. There are also two special-purpose Periods:
Period 0 (zero)
Period 13
Period 0 contains the yearly opening balances of Balance Sheet accounts.
Why Period 0? To avoid, in reporting, the complexity involved in going back to the start of General Ledger history to calculate account balances for a Period.
How does Period 0 work? When running Finish Financial Period Close (see below) for the last Period of the Year, the following Year's General Ledger data is initialized with the current Year's ending balances. In other words, when a fiscal year is closed, the year-end balances are written to Period 0 of the following year. When the Period 12 of the current Year had previously been closed and reopened:
Suppose the Reverse Period Zero when the Reopening Year flag on the Financial Company Master is checked. In that case, the system reverses all Period 0 postings in the following year and is replaced when Period 12 of the current Year is closed again.
If the 'Reverse Period Zero when Reopening Year' flag on the Financial Company Master is not checked, the Period 0 postings in the following Year are not reversed and are adjusted when Period 12 of the current year is closed again.
In either case, this reversal and reposting will not affect any posting activity done for any actual Periods in the next Year.
Period 13 optionally contains Year-End adjustments. There is no requirement to use Period 13. Year-End adjustments can be posted to Period 12 if no Company rule requires that Year-end adjustments be reported separately.
IMPORTANT There is no separate close process for Period 13. When Period 12 is closed, the Year is closed, and postings for Periods 12 and 13 are combined in next year's opening balances.
NOTE Period 0 and Period 13 do not appear on the Fiscal Year page because these two Periods do not have start and end dates and are neither open nor closed.
Fiscal Year
Foreign Exchange Rate Schedule
GL Historical Rates
Financial System User Company