
Customer Master

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Each Rootstock Customer Master contains numerous data fields and indicators for processing Rootstock Quotes and/or Sales Orders for specific Customers. A Customer Master record is required before a Quote or Sales Order can be created.

The Customer Master record is an organization-wide record not specific to a Rootstock Company or Division, making it usable throughout the organization. 

Customers can be added either in Rootstock, which will add the Salesforce Account, or in Salesforce, which, when the Rootstock Customer indicator box is checked, will add the Rootstock Customer Master record.

                                                                        User-added image

Control settings on the System Setup > System Default record define the data-sharing relationship between a Rootstock Customer Master record and a Salesforce Account. These settings are described later in this document.

A Rootstock Customer Master record is linked to a single Salesforce account via ‘Customer Number’, referenced both by the Rootstock Customer Master and the Salesforce Account. When entering a new Rootstock Customer Master, the Salesforce Account Name and Customer Number are used to create the Salesforce Account.

note25 (1).png  NOTE  The Salesforce account record includes two check box indicators, one titled ‘Rootstock Customer’ and one titled ‘Rootstock Vendor’. When entering a Salesforce account in Salesforce, checking these indicators (one or both) results in a Rootstock Customer Master or Rootstock Vendor Master (or both) being created when the Salesforce Account record is saved.


The Rootstock Customer Master record is required to create Rootstock Quotes or Sales Orders. It is used in all aspects of Sales Order activities, including the entry of Customer Addresses, Shipping, Carrier/Ship Method, Invoicing information, Customer Contact information, Contact methods, assigned Salespersons/Commissions, Customer-related URLs, and more.


Rootstock Site Map > Sales Order Setup > Customer Master


Customer Class:  A Customer Class is used to categorize customers. The Customer Class contains parameters/default values applied to each Rootstock Customer assigned to the Customer Class when a new Customer Master is created.

Invoicing and Credit Customer:  “Financial” customer used for credit checking and invoicing. Provides the ability to bill or credit one Customer for Financial transactions involving related Customers.

Recurring Services:  The ability to generate detailed service billings using user-defined “recurring” billing intervals. Examples would include equipment rentals, monthly services, etc.

Unbilled Orders:  The Customer’s total amount of current Unbilled Orders, calculated as the Sum of Sales Order Lines that are at least at a Firmed status. If included in a SO Invoice, the SO Invoice is not yet Approved.

A/R Balance:  Total outstanding Accounts Receivable balance due for the given Customer.

Sales Order Discount:  Discount applied to an entire Sales Order’s price after all other price calculation discounts and Sales Order Line discounts have been applied.

Price Calculation Discount:  Discounts used in deriving a Product’s Unit Price (also referred to as a “price discount” or “price modification discount”).

SO Line Discount:  Discounts used to set the ‘Discount Pct’ field on a Sales Order Line (which is an additional discount after the ‘Unit Price’ is derived or set).


Several Rootstock Master records must exist before entering Rootstock Customer Master records

  • Customer Class  Category of a customer.  Examples are: Retail, Wholesale, Electronics

  • Currency  When using multi-currency, the Customer’s currency.

  • Carriers   Pre-defined freight carriers.

  • Ship Methods  Pre-defined shipping methods.

  • FOB Codes  Pre-defined Codes used in the customer class record and the Customer Master.

  • Freight Terms  Payment terms for freight charges.

  • Salesperson  Salesperson assigned to a Customer.

  • Sales Region  Sales region to which the Customer is assigned.

  • Sales Order Type  Used to identify a category of order. Examples are equipment, spare parts, and service. 

  • Tax Locations  Tax locations associated with the ship-to addresses of the Customer.

  • Shipping Zone  Optional shipping zones or areas to which a Customer is associated. Zip/Postal Code ranges typically define these and may be used by the Rootstock Inventory Division, which will fulfill orders within that zone.

Rootstock Customers vs Salesforce Accounts

A Rootstock Customer Master record is linked to a single Salesforce account. The linkage is by the SF Account Number which is held in both the Rootstock Customer Master and the Salesforce Account. When entering a Rootstock Customer Master, the Salesforce Account Name and/or Customer Number entered is used to create the Salesforce Account.

System Default Setup Considerations

System Default settings define the data relationship between the Rootstock Customer Master and the Salesforce Account record. 


Rootstock Site Map > System Setup > System Defaults > Customers and Vendors Section

Allow Add of Account from RS Customers:  If checked, when adding a new Rootstock Customer within Rootstock, a new Salesforce Account associated with the Rootstock Customer by Account number is added.  When unchecked, the Rootstock Customer records are only created if a new Salesforce Account is entered and the Rootstock Customer checkbox is checked on the SF Account record.
Only Use Salesforce Addresses on Customers:  When checked, only Salesforce addresses are used on Rootstock Customers; all customer addresses are maintained in the Salesforce Account.  When unchecked, Rootstock addresses are used for Rootstock Customers. One Rootstock customer address will be associated with the two Sales Account Addresses (Ship-to and Bill-to).  When this link is made, any changes made from either side will update the linked addresses to keep the addresses in sync.
Auto Create Rootstock Customer Contact from SF:  If checked, the system automatically creates a Rootstock Contact when a Salesforce contact is created. If unchecked, the new Contact must be entered on both the Rootstock Customer Master and the Salesforce Account as required.
Auto Create Salesforce Customer Contact from RS:  If checked, the system will automatically create a Salesforce Account Contact when a Rootstock Contact is created. If unchecked, the new Contact must be entered on both the Rootstock Customer Master and the Salesforce Account as required.
Update RS Customer Contact From SF:  If checked, updating SF Account contact details will automatically update the RS Customer contact details.
Update SF Customer Contact From RS:  When checked, the system will update the Salesforce Account contact when the RS Customer contact is updated.

Suppress Auto-Default of Customer Contact:  When checked, the auto defaulting of a Customer Contact is disabled and will not be indicated as default on the Salesforce side.
Customers from Accounts with no Addr:  If checked, RS Customers can be created from SF Accounts that do not have an address indicated.

Sync Terms from Rootstock to SF Account:  When checked, credit terms will be synchronized between Rootstock Customers and Salesforce Accounts.  This is only available for Financial Force installations.

Customer Auto-Numbering Active:  If checked, when creating SF Accounts and checking the 'Rootstock Customer' checkbox, the required Customer Number will be automatically assigned.  This also applies when adding the Customer directly in Rootstock.

Last Customer Number:  When 'Customer Auto Numbering Active' is checked, this field displays the last Customer Number auto-assigned.

Default Customer Class:  This field requires a valid Rootstock Customer Class value. (Sales Order Setup > Customer Class).  This is the default value when adding a new Rootstock Customer from a Salesforce Account. The Customer Class can be changed from this default on the Rootstock Customer Master once added.

Notes and Attachments

The Rootstock Customer Master record may have multiple notes and multiple files attached. The entry and access to this function are located at the bottom of the Customer Master screen. Select the buttons “New Note” or “Upload Files”.


  • To add a new record, select the ‘New’ button.

  • To edit an existing record, select ‘Edit’ in the Action column.

  • To view, select the Name in the ‘Name’ Column.


Header Section

Salesforce Account:  The Salesforce Account that is associated with this Rootstock Customer Master. When entering a new Rootstock Customer Master, this field will be blank.

Salesforce Account Name:  The name of Salesforce Customer, populated from the Salesforce Customer Name. When adding a new Customer Master in Rootstock, enter the Customer name here.

Customer Number:  Unique identifier for this Customer. If Auto-Number is used, the next sequential number will automatically populate this field.

Customer Class:  The Customer Class associated with the given Customer. (See Rootstock Site Map > Sales Order Setup > Customer Class).

NOTE image.png  NOTE  When the Customer Class is changed and the 'Default Sales Agreement' (on Customer Master > Sales Order Defaults tab) references a Customer Agreement with the 'Associate to a Customer Class' flag set to true, the system clears the 'Default Sales Agreement' field. The user must then select a new Customer Agreement before saving the Customer Master.


important25.png IMPORTANT  When a user modifies the 'Customer Class' field in Classic/Lightning UI, the system automatically updates the Customer Class default fields, such as 'Currency', 'Terms', 'Carrier', 'FOB', 'Ship Method', and 'Freight Terms'. Also, users are allowed to modify the default field values before saving the changes.


However, when the 'Customer Class' is changed from the data loader or list view inline edit, the system only changes the 'Customer Class' value and does not automatically update the values of default fields populated based on the Customer Class.

Currency:  The Currency associated with the given Customer. It is initialized to the Salesforce default Currency. This field is auto-set based on the assigned Customer Class and can be overridden to another Currency defined in the Rootstock Currency Master. The Currency cannot be changed once Sales Orders are added. (System Setup > Currency Master). 

User-added image  NOTE  To use multiple currencies in Rootstock, Salesforce must be configured for multiple currencies.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  The 'Currency' field is not editable if a Receivable Transaction or a Sales Order Header exists for this Customer record.

Place Orders in the Customer Currency:  When checked, the system will use the Customer's currency. When unchecked, the Home Currency is used. This field is auto-set based on the assigned Customer Class and can be overridden​​​​​.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  The 'Place Orders in the Customer Currency' field can be unchecked (even if there is a Receivable Transaction or a Sales Order Header exists for this Customer) as long as the customer's 'Currency' and 'Home Currency' of all the Company Master in an org is same.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  When the Customer Master is created from a Salesforce Account, this field defaults from the Customer Class used.

Invoicing and Credit Customer:  (Optional) This Customer is used for Credit and Invoicing purposes.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  The 'Invoicing and Credit Customer' field displays the Customers that satisfy the below conditions:

  • Must be a valid 'Related Customer', set by clicking the Related Customers button.

  • Must be an active Customer.

  • Must have the same value in 'Currency' as this Customer.

  • Must have the same value in 'Place Orders in the Customer Currency' as this Customer.

Document Language Code:  Certain Customer printable documents related to Sales Order Processing can be printed in different languages.  The Language Code is entered here.

JPY No Decimals Rounding Method (Ovr):  This field carries the rounding method to be used for monetary transactions under Customer. The options are:

  • No Override

  • Round Down (1.9 = 1)

  • Round Up  (1.1 = 2)

  • Round Half Up  (1.4 = 1, 1.5 = 2)

NOTE image.png  NOTE  This 'JPY No Decimals Rounding Method (Ovr)' can be specified when the flag 'JPY No Decimals Feature Enabled' on System Configuration is checked.

Sales Region:  The Sales Region assigned to this Customer. It is initialized based on the Customer Class associated with this Customer but may be overridden.

Customer Responsible User:   The Manufacturing User assigned responsibility for this Customer record.

Default Contact:  The default Contact for this Customer.

Accounting Dimension Value:  The Company "accounting" Dimension value associated with this Customer.

Accounting Dimension Value #2:  An additional Company "accounting" Dimension value associated with this Customer.

Terms:  The Account Receivables Terms assigned to this customer.  It is initialized from the Customer Class but can be overridden with another valid Terms Code.

Customer Lead Time:  The time, in days, required to ship the customer's item from the manufacturing facility to their loading dock. Initialized to the value set on the Customer Class associated with this Customer, but can be overridden.  Customer Lead Time is used to offset the SO Line Ship Date from the SO Line Due Date. 

Financial System Customer ID:  Customer ID used by the Accounting application interfaced with Rootstock.

Secondary Financial Customer ID:  Secondary Customer ID used by the Accounting application interfaced with Rootstock.

Customer Account Inquiry Button

Select this button to bring up a page containing various data related to this Customer, including Sales, Shipment, and Invoice information.

Customer Inquiry Page



Customer Number:  Customer Number assigned to the given Customer.

Salesforce Account:  The Salesforce Account that is associated with the given Rootstock Customer Master.

Currency:  The Currency associated with the given Customer.

Place Orders in the Customer Currency:  When checked, the system will use the Customer's currency.  If unchecked,  the Home Currency will be used.

Unbilled Order Limit:  The Total Unbilled Order Limit available to this Customer.  Unbilled orders are Firm but not Invoiced Sales Order lines.

Current Unbilled Orders:  The Customer’s total amount of current Unbilled Orders.

Current A/R Balance:  The Current AR Balance for the given Customer.

Sales Order tab

Open Orders Only:  When checked, only unfulfilled Sales Order Lines will be displayed.

Invoiced Orders Only:  When checked, only Sales Order Lines that have been fulfilled and invoiced will be displayed.

Due From Date:  When populated, only Sales Order Lines with Due Dates on or after this date will be displayed.

Due Thru Date:  When populated, only Sales Order Lines with Due Dates on or before this date will be displayed.

Product Number:  When populated, only Sales Order Lines for the Product Number entered will be displayed.

Sales Order Shippers tab

From Date:  When populated, only Shipper Lines with ship dates on or after this date will be displayed.

Thru Date:  When populated, only Shipper Lines with ship dates on or before this date will be displayed.

Product Number:  When populated, only Shipper Lines for the Product Number entered will be displayed.

Invoices tab

From Date:  When populated, only Sales Order Invoices with invoice dates on or after this date will be displayed.

Thru Date:  When populated, only Sales Order Invoices with invoice dates on or before this date will be displayed.

Addresses tab

Display of the current Customer Addresses for the given Customer.

Sales Contracts Tab

Estimated Start Date On or After:  Indicate the Date for which Contracts having that date or a date after will be shown.

Estimated Start Date On or Before:  Indicate the Date for which Contracts having that date or a date before will be shown.

Contract Status:   Indicate a certain Contract Status for filtering, if desired.  

Salesforce Account tab

Hyperlink to the Salesforce Account associated with the given Rootstock Customer Master.

Related Customers Button

Clicking on this button will bring up a popup of Related Customers. For details related to this functionality, see Customer Master - Related Customers.


This record establishes relationships between the given Customer and other Rootstock Customers.  It is used for several functions, including the ability to have a different Credit / Invoicing Customer for the given Customer. This could happen when another Customer handling payment owns the Customer.

Feature Available only in Lightning


Change the SF Account Association:  Utilize this action to unlink the ‘Salesforce Account’ currently associated with the Customer and replace it with an existing Salesforce Account, provided that all the conditions below are met:

  • The 'Financial System Interface' is different from 'FinancialForce' and 'Accounting Seed' on the System Configuration.

  • The 'Only Use Salesforce Address on Customers' is false on the System Defaults.

Tab Section

Customer Master Credit Tab
Customer Master Sales Order Defaults tab 
Customer Master Shipping Tab
Customer Master Invoicing Tab
Customer Master Forms Templates Tab
Customer Master URL Tab
Customer Master Configurator Tab
Customer Addresses Tab
Customer Contacts Tab
Carrier by Customer Tab
Customer Commission Schedule Tab


Customer Class
Customer Consolidation/Merge Process
Sales Order Header Creation and Management
Sales Order Control 
Customer Master - Related Customers

Customer Master

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