
Indented BOM

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Overview and Application

This function is used to display a Bill of Material (BOM) structure for an Engineering item, either at a single level or, more usually, in a multi-level, indented view. The structure may be viewed, printed, or exported to Excel.


Indented BOM


Enter the desired selection criteria from the fields listed below, then press the 'Submit' button.


Division:  Displays the user's current Division, which will control the list of items available for display. The user's current Division must be changed to see BOM views for different divisions.

Parent Item:  The Engineering Item for which the BOM is to be displayed. (Required)

Effective Date:  Defaults to today's date. This is the effective date of the BOM to be presented. Components with an Add Effectivity Date greater than or equal to this date are included.

Single-Level Only:  Defaults to unchecked. When checked, only components of the top-level (Parent) item are displayed.

Implemented Only:  Defaults to unchecked. When checked, only component items with the status of ‘Implemented’ are displayed.

Display Mode:  Choose the view of the BOM that best suits your needs.

  • A List View presents the BOM in a simple list format, with the 'level' of each component displayed as the first column in each list row, numerically indicating the various levels. 

  • A Tree View presents the BOM with various colored (and expandable) symbols to indicate the levels. 

Print Qty Cost Precision:  This defaults to two digits of precision, but can be overridden to any value from 0 to 6. The display will render accordingly.

Do Not Explode Purchase Items:  When checked, the system will not explode any component items under Purchased type items. This also applies when the report is printed as PDF or exported to Excel.

NOTE image.png  NOTE  When a user logs in to the page for the first time, the flag 'Do Not Explode Purchase Items' is not checked by default. Otherwise, it is defaulted from the value that was saved previously when the user logged in to this page.

Click ‘Submit’ Button.

The BOM can be printed or exported to Excel by selecting the appropriate button on top of the display area.

User-added image  NOTE

  • The Add and Delete status columns in the display are the revision status of the component item in the BOM, not the revision status of the parent item.
  • The Eng Type field has been added to the report to indicate whether an item is classified as Standard, Phantom, or Reference. For the definition of other columns, refer to the Engineering Item Master article.

A graphical indented BOM can also be accessed here: Mfg Engineering > Engineering Item Master > BOM Tree Tab



Engineering Item Master
Work Orders
Engineering BOM Master
Engineering BOM Mass Add
Engineering BOM Copy
Engineering BOM Mass Replace
Engineering BOM Query Edit

Indented BOM

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