
Work Order Cost and Quantity Summaries

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Total Cost & Cost Detail Tabs present the charges, deductions, and variances to the given Work Order.


Work Order

Total Cost Tab



Charges:  The value of charges transacted to this Work Order.

Deductions:  The value of the Work Order receipts transacted to this work order. 

Variances:  The difference between the Charges and the Deductions.


Material:  As each component is issued, this field is updated with the component’s Material Cost.

Labor:  As each labor transaction is reported, this field is updated with the component's Total Labor Cost.

Material Overhead:  As each component is issued, this field is updated with each component's Material Overhead Cost.

Labor Overhead:  As each labor transaction is reported, this field is updated with the component's Total Labor Overhead cost.

Fringe Overhead:  As each component is issued, this field is updated with the component's Total Fringe Overhead  Cost.

Machine Overhead:  As Machine Time is reported, this field is updated with the component's Total Machine Overhead cost.

Subcontract Material:  As each component is issued, this field is updated with the component’s Subcontract Material Cost.

Subcontract Labor:  If any operations are set as outside operations, meaning a subcontractor performs the work, this field is updated with the component's Subcontract Labor Cost when the item is received back from the subcontractor.

Freight:  This field displays the Work Order Demand Freight Total Cost Charges.

Other Landed:  This field displays the Work Order Demand Other Landed Cost Total Cost Charges.

Total Charges:  As the various charges are reported, this field is updated with the total of all cost elements: Material, Labor, Material Overhead, Labor Overhead, Fringe Overhead, Machine Overhead, Subcontract Material, and Subcontract Labor.

Cost Details Tab

Fields (Component Charges column)

Comp Cost, Material:  As each component is issued, this field is updated with the component’s Material Cost.

Comp Cost, Labor:  As each component is issued, this field is updated with the component's total Labor Cost.

Comp Cost, Material Ohd:  As each component is issued, this field is updated with the component’s Material Overhead Cost.

Comp Cost, Labor Ohd:  As each component is issued, this field is updated with the component's Total Labor Overhead Cost.

Comp Cost, Fringe Ohd:  As each component is issued, this field is updated with the component's Total Fringe Overhead Cost.

Comp Cost, Machine Ohd:  As each component is issued, this field is updated with the component's total Machine Overhead Cost.

Component Cost, Subcontract Material:  As each component is issued, this field is updated with the component's Subcontract Material Cost.

Comp Cost, Subcontract Labor:  As each component is issued, this field is updated with the component's Subcontract Labor Cost.

Comp Cost, Freight:  This field displays the Work Order Demand Freight Total Cost Charges.

Comp Cost, Other Landed:  This field displays the Work Order Demand Other Landed Cost Total Cost Charges.

Total Comp Cost:  Total of component costs:  Material, Labor, Material Ohd, Labor Ohd, Fringe Ohd, Machine Ohd, Subcontract Material and Subcontract Labor.

Fields (Operation Charges column) 

Operation Cost, Labor:  This value represents the total Operation Labor charges (to date) for this Work Order.

Operation Cost, Labor Ohd:  This value represents the total Operation Labor Overhead charges (to date) for this Work Order. Labor Overhead Cost would be charged as a percentage against Labor Hours charged to an operation (when Labor Overhead is being used).

Operation Cost, Fringe Ohd:  This value represents the total Operation Fringe Overhead charges (to date) for this Work Order. Fringe Overhead Cost would be charged as a percentage against Labor Hours charged to an operation (when Fringe Overhead is being used).

Operation Cost, Machine Ohd: This value represents the total Operation Machine Overhead charges (to date) for this Work Order. Machine Overhead Cost would be charged when Machine Hours are charged to an operation (when Machine time and Machine Overhead is being used).

Operation Cost, Subcontract Labor:  This value represents the total Subcontract Labor Charges (to date) for this Work Order. Subcontract Labor cost would be the cost of outside processing of the Work Order Parent Item charged on a PO for this Work Order.

Total Operation Cost:  The total of all operation costs charged to this Work Order.


Work Order Overview
Work Order Header Information
Work Order Setup Requirements
Work Order Types
Time and Quantity Booking
Time and Quantity Booking Reversal
User Time Entry
Work Order Receipt
Work Order Receipt Reversal
Work Order Issue
Work Order Issue Reversal

Work Order Cost and Quantity Summaries

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